Monday, May 13, 2013

where the morning birds coo

Sitting in a canopy of green
where the morning birds coo
and the chickens cluck
like all things
it is a temporary resting spot.
And I am really enjoying this,
Yesterday, a hummingbird


in my face, and around my poofy head
of big hair,
then she flew over to R and J
as we sat on the patio
sipping green juice
and making small talk
because our little minds can't truly conceive
the grandeur.

This morning, the papers say
that our planet's heat index is rising
and that our dear terra firma
is infirma
she is sick
from too much human waste,
disrespect and disregard.
Her beeloveds are perishing
and her waters receding,
still we march on by
erroneously concluding that
we each individually deserve our own pie
in the sky.
Oh my!

What you deserve is peace, LOVE 
and harmony.  Only this song isn't found
on the radio or in popular antics.
To truly sing what is in your heart
you must remember how to just bee
without all of the gizmos and the gadgets
and without all of the distraction and the brainwashing.

In playing the instrument that we each are,
we remember that we were brought here for
different destinies.  For some of us, it is cleaning up all
of the shit that has been left behind, while for others it
is leading the brigade forward.  For most of us, however,
we belong in the middle - pulled gently along with the flow
of the natural rhythms.  Cycles we can count on.
Spring, summer, fall, winter.
Waxing, full, waning, dark.
Ebbing and surging,  
in and out, out and in.

Be still in the silence.
Listen for your brilliance.
It emerges from that quiet place within.