Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Root of What Is

It's an arduous task, this being human.
It doesn't matter if you're here in California,
or there in the Ukraine.  Although our circumstances
may vary greatly, what remains the same is our shared
journey of being Spirit confined to flesh and bone, part and parcel
of this planet Earth where both peace and pain are a side of the same coin.

And, I guess I've just grown tired of pretending that all is groovy
and that gratitude for what I have or meditating away all that I am malcontent about,
will be my salvation.  It won't and it isn't.

Yeah, I'm angry.
Mainly, I'm angry that I seem to be really good at putting the needs of others before me,
thereby neglecting (or negating altogether) my own very real desires.
It's a broken record that was playing in the world I grew up in long before I was born.
I call it the Great Feminine Wound.

And, I'm unhappy that I don't heed my passion or my purpose.
That I'm quick to relent, and too nonchalant to persist and push.
I'm dissatisfied that I choose the easy route and a way that has already been defined for me.
It's a cellular patterning of a deep dis-empowerment
and I call it the Great Masculine Wound.

I understand that so many of us out here
just want to focus on the beauty and the positive,
on the happiness and the pleasure,
but there is no way other way towards a harmonious Earth for all
without first churning the shit.

And, if you haven't noticed, what we've inherited here 
is Shit.

The beauty of all this waste, however,
is that by simply exposing it to the light, feeding it water, giving others the opportunity to feed off of it, and then turn, turn, turning it daily, 
it alchemizes and becomes a nutrient-dense, rich fertilizer.

BLACK GOLD it's called.

And, I invite you to join me in the compost pile!