Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Wrapping Up the Years, 2014-2018

Your first four years of life set a strong foundation of community, confidence and creativity within you. We were so fortunate to lead the life we lived and to be able to share our Cardiff home with so many during this time.

Your Father was a freakin' warrior. The snow photo above was taken the day after Christmas on Palomar Mountain and the day before he began 48 upper head and neck proton radiation sessions. He smiled the whole way through and still managed to get out and about to enjoy life with us.

Here we are at the start of our lovership, at the now defunct E Street Cafe in Encinitas, California in fall 2013. Our relationship wasn't perfect but we respected each other as friends, first and foremost. When you have this, you have a solid base to build from. This is what we wish for you.