LOVE, POWER & CONNECTION through Expression,Sensuality, Intimacy, Embodiment, Innocence, Joy, Metaphor, Story & Community
Thursday, January 30, 2014
A Black Moon is Rising
as I tossed and turned in bed unable
to fall into a fit-less sleep.
"Is it beecause you were published?"
he asked me this morning.
(Yesterday, Elephant Journal published a piece of mine, "Dance is My Religion," in their online journal. You can read it here.)
"I've been published before," I told him,
as we bathed in the beauty of LOVE.
As new life unfurls and unfolds all around US,
we root deeper into what we've always known.
That all we need is each other, everything we've been seeking
is here now, and that there is "no one" outside of us who will finally give permission to bee all that we've dreamed or who will play the right tune to make us 'ecstatic' or who will make the perfect move so that we can just relax, let go and bee.
AUTHENTIC POWER IS EACH OF OUR BIRTHRIGHTS. It comes from within - nowhere else.
The Time is NOW.
Tune In.
Set You Intention(s).
(And, Peace doesn't neccessarily mean beeing friends with everyone. Rather, it can mean allowing others to bee wherever they are, while you enjoy beeing exactly where you are, without any negative charged gossip, energy, or otherwise loss of precious lifeforce energy. "You are there and I am here and it is perfect," you can say in Peace.)
N ~ O ~ W.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
BLACK MOON: Galloping into Our Shared Mystery
(below reading from
There is magic and excitement in the air as we feel a rebirth coming forth. With this second New Moon in January, which is a SUPER MOON in AQUARIUS, aligning with the kick off of the YEAR OF THE HORSE, and VENUS in her rebirth ready to go direct, the energy is finally shifting forward!
We are ready to emerge forth and share our uniqueness add our vision to the collective. Aquarius reminds us to see the big picture, to include all of humanity in our prayers and make our choices based on the good of the whole.
The shift from ME to WE is emerging, and WE have been healing, shedding, and letting go of the past, to make way for the new to emerge.
Here are the MYSTIC MAMMA Astral Insights from the most tuned in readers of the stars….
First from the always inspiring Kelley Rosano:
“The Aquarius New Moon On January 30 is a SuperMoon. A SuperMoon means that the Moon is closest to the Earth and in direct alignment with the Sun and the Earth. This makes it extra potent.
“There are two New Moons in January. Both are SuperMoons. Wow! This is a double new beginning. Pause, breathe and digest what is happening with you.
“The Capricorn New Moon educated you on power and control. How you use power. How you own your power. And/or how you give your power away. This is the year to empower yourself…”
“The Aquarius New Moon represents freedom and liberation. Liberate your mind first and your freedom will follow. Aquarius reminds you to follow the beat of your own drum. Be unique. Be original. Be who you really are. Take a walk on the weird side of life. You may find a part of yourself that has been begging for expression. This is the Aquarian New Moon message.
“The Sun and Moon are coupled in Aquarius offering you a fresh outlook on life. There are no challenging aspects to this New Moon. In fact, Uranus, Aquarius modern ruler is in a harmonious aspect with both lights (Sun and Moon). This positive energy can be utilized to further your dreams, goals and pursuits.
“A new cycle is beginning for you. The Aquarius New Moon can empower you to move in a bold direction. You may break free from bad habits and relationships. You could awaken to your divine destiny. You are no longer distracted by fear and doubt. You are ready to be who you were born to be. You are prepared to stand in your divine power and shine your light. This energy promotes your creative self-expression…”
“The New Moon in Aquarius reminds you that you are the Star of your life. You are the Sun center of your universe. If your life is hard, look inside yourself and make the needed changes. Coach yourself.Be honest. Where are you giving your power away? What are doing that sabotages your success? The change you want to see in the world begins with you.
“Change your mind. You change your life. See your challenges from a different perspective. See your challenges as opportunities for growth. They keep your life fresh and lively. Your life can be much freer than you may have realized. In this way, new opportunities will emerge for you. Believe in your dreams coming true. Believe. When you wish upon a Star your dreams come true. The Star is shinning on you. The New Moon is lighting up a new path way for you. Perhaps it was there all along and now your eyes are opened.
“Dreams are the stepping stones of further expansion. Dream on.” –Ivo/Lisa Dorr
“Jupiter will be in opposition to Pluto on January 31. On the one hand, this can make you feel very ambitious. You will want to take charge of your life. You may feel bold in your convictions…observe when you may be pushing your ideals onto other people ”You want to practice the Law of Allowing. This is where you allow for different points of view. You respect the opinions of other people, even if their beliefs are not in alignment with your own.
“True power does not need those around you to agree with you.Authentic power is allowing everyone to find their own path to truth. This promotes diversity. This will support creativity, freedom and liberation for everyone…”
“Venus moves direct on January 31. Yeah! This is good news. You have had six- weeks to reflect on what you love and value. You were to look at your needs in relationships and finances. You were to look back and see if there was someone or something from your past. You may have left behind. You can include in your life.
“Venus in direct motion can increase your cash flow. Wise investments can be made. Venus has been dancing with Pluto for weeks.
“Power in relationships is the theme. Being honest, sincere and in your integrity. This is the best practice. This will keep you balanced. And, on track no matter how other people behave. Still, manipulation, hidden agendas, and jealousy often occur with Pluto/Venus contacts. These negative behaviors will take you off path and into a ditch. They do make for good TV drama. Yet, in real life this is destructive behavior. Controlling others for one’s own selfish desires are not the act of the spiritually evolved. Giving your power away to keep the peace is not love. This is fear…”
“Mercury the messenger enters Pisces on January 31. Mercury will be retrograde February 6 — 28…
“The Aquarian New Moon reminds you to use your power wisely.Be a force for good in the world. Be a conduit for Joy. Keep your ego on a short leash. Live from your soul. This is your creative power. You are master creator. You are co-creating with Source daily.
“Use the New Moon to create a new life. Don’t wait on other people. Take action today. What are three things that you can do to move your life in a new direction? Do three things every day that are forward focused. Change your life so that you have more freedom. Create the space for love to come to you. Do what makes you smile…”
“These SuperMoons strengthen the impact for change. This is setting the tone for the New Year. Get out of your own way. Move out of your comfort zone. Make bold beginnings. Uranus is encouraging you to have a fresh start. Be innovative. Don’t allow the negative ego to hold back your dreams.
“Get creative. If a door closes on you, then open a window.Climb out. Move on a new life path. Wherever the Aquarius New Moon lands in your natal chart is where you are being given a fresh start.
“Listen to your intuition. You intuition is your inner knowledge. Allow your Star, your Higher Self to guide you to new relationships and goals. Sudden unexpected opportunities can come to you from out of the blue. Your hopes and wishes realized. Your dreams come true. Be ready. In this way, you will seize the new potentials that are emerging in your life.”
© Copyright 2014 ~ Kelley Rosano. All Rights Reserved
From the insightful Dipali Desai and her Celestial Space Astrology:
“The New Moon in Aquarius is at 10ยบ 55’ degrees (say 11 degrees) on January 30th, 2014 and there are noticeable energetic and astrological shifts in motion. It is possible to have a brighter tone to the mental energy plus the new beginnings vibe of a new moon phase is an added benefit.
“The attention goes towards uplifting humanity yet starting with your local community and friendships. The Chinese New Year also is happening now and it is the Year of the Wood Horse.
”The Sun and Moon conjoin in the free-spirit of Aquarius. Aquarius is an air element and fixed mode of energy. Both luminaries are to work together in a team-like approach. The potential: uplifting community, humanity and raising consciousness on the planet.
“Having a song that plays the same tune, same instruments and using the same words over and over again may be a bit boring right? Incorporating other notes, instruments and words will add a bit of uniqueness to the song will make it more appealing. Similarly,it is a time to embrace our individuality.
“So what if we don’t fit into the crowd the ‘same mold’? It’s ok. You do fit in to the collective, you are a part of the whole while honoring your uniqueness. And you do have something wonderful to contribute.
“Liberate yourself to be your authentic self now under the New Moon in Aquarius. It is your life, your choice. Let your Inner Scientist and creative genius come out to express.
“The New Moon in Aquarius brings the message that it is important first embrace our uniqueness and quirks and then to do the same for others. It is also equally important to find ways of contributing to the overall well-being and upliftment of humanity.
“This New Moon, suggests we really dare to experiment and step outside of the status quo long enough to create a positive ripple in our lives and around us. Living in the future won’t make it a better today. Start with the fresh idea today and let it ripple into the future. Aquarius also is the sign that governs over future trends and the far out there approach.
“As we take a closer look, we are coming out of a Venus retrograde in a conservative sign such as Capricorn which is bound by time and tradition on one level. The innovative side of the New Moon in Aquarius helps to invigorate the energy and opportunities.
“This is a refreshing change and surely will help many people to shake up the norm and step out side of the same old same old. Test the waters. It is time to be inventive and experimental. Remember, even if we set the intention for the future, remember it is in this moment, her and now that we must take action for that idea to become tangible in the future.
© Copyright 2014 ~ Dipali Desai. All Rights Reserved
From astrologer Cathy Pagano and her Wisdom of Astrology:
“Venus has been retrograde in Capricorn since December 21st and goes direct the day after this New Moon, January 31. She is at her closest point to the Earth and disappeared from the night sky on January 5th and re-emerged as the Morning Star on January 17th.
“As Adam Gainsburg describes it in his book, The Light of Venus, Venus is in her ‘birth’ phase, a time of a new awakening feminine spirit. The Goddess has returned in our times as we saw when Venus went across the face of the Sun in 2004 and again in 2012. We are in the 2nd of 5 cycles of Venus, which started this time in 2012 and will end in 2020.
“…At this New Moon, Venus will be stationing conjunct to Pluto in Capricorn, opposite Jupiter in Cancer, squaring Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra. She’s part of our on-going revolutionary square and grand cross. We’re adding our personal values to the cosmic revolution.
“…Venus turns direct at 14* Capricorn: An ancient bas-relief carved in granite remains as witness to a long-forgotten culture. This symbol asks us to unearth what is of eternal value and release what is superficial. We first do this within ourselves and then work together to bring about a new value system and a new paradigm of life, which is soul-full and attuned to the feminine dimensions of life.
“Some feminine archetypes have been added to astrology through the addition of the asteroids. At this New Moon, Juno, symbolizing our ideas of partnership, is in Pisces conjunct Chiron, the Wounded Healer and opposite Pallas Athena in Virgo. Our karmic patterns of relationship (Juno) are dissolving back into the Collective Unconscious (Pisces) and we are healing (Chiron) ourselves…”
“Ceres, the great Mother Goddess and Vesta, the goddess of fire and sexuality, are in the sign of Libra along with Mars. These energies can help us find ways for men and women to relate with each other in a more balanced and loving way, with mutual respect and courtesy.
“These feminine energies can teach us to trust ourselves and each other, if we each stay true to ourselves and bring our truth into the conversation.”
© Copyright 2014 ~ Cathy Pagano. All Rights Reserved
Lastly from Sarah Varcas from
“Here we have the chance to think outside the box, or just recognize there was no box to start with – we made it up to keep us safe – but what was once refuge has now become a prison of rigid perspectives and worn out views…”
“..when we can remember that hope lives where the challenges do, we can overcome the black and white notion of right and wrong in favour of a more accepting view that when things don’t go as we’d planned it’s not the end of the world, because that’s when hope appears…”
”At this New Moon hope shines brightly, reminding us we don’t always know what’s best, no matter how right we may feel, and the intricate tapestry of life’s plan for us is often only fully appreciated once we have lived it and watched as the various bits drop into place over time.
“As we do this, hope can keep our faith and commitment alive. Which reveals just what the fresh perspective of this New Moon brings: the promise of possibility we had previously failed to recognise; the gift of potential that we didn’t spot before.
“There are new perspectives to be enjoyed now and this Moon reminds us that no matter how far we may have strayed from where we want to be, hope strays with us and can be released at any time to reframe our world and remind us that most things are rarely quite what they seem.”
© Copyright 2014 ~ Sarah Varcas. All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
(Take It Or) LEAVE IT
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the Yanomamo people |
one question remains:
Are you a taker
or a leaver?
I'm referencing language gleaned from Daniel Quinn's novel, Ishmael,
a tale in which a gorilla teaches a man what it means to bee human.
For a long time, we lived in harmony with planet Earth, we only took what we needed
for we intuitively understood natural cycles and that we do not own anything here ~
we are merely passing through.
Takers need to feed their Ego's greed for accumulation and recognition. They think little to nothing of the needs of others and are solely motivated by the question, "What's in it for me?"
Takers are a dying breed.
Leavers, however, are quick to offer assistance in lending an ear, a hand, a gentle nudge up. Leavers put the needs of others on equal footing as their own while celebrating and honoring community.
Leavers are the leaders of tomorrow.
Prepared to gallop into the year of the Horse - and beeyond - leavers are simultaneously following while leading and are eager to promote the full self-empowerment of all people.
Join the Herd.
Ride Into Your Destiny.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Happiness Is.... (Moving As One)
The transformation I have spent the past few years praying for
has arrived.
Thick layers of skin and memory, of ego and fear, have been shed ~
and just in the nick of time ~ in order to Gallop in with the Horse and
Embody the Power of the Herd.
Still, two weeks remain (until the Chinese New Year.)
Dig deep to do your internal work ~
it's the Greatest Gift You Can Give.
Already, 2014 is the best year of my life.
I get to return home to YOU ~ the Love Story I have spent a lifetime dreaming of,
and nourishing as my future reality deep in my gut.
I am moving from my center while manifesting with my Shakti Energy which means
I am no longer belaboring any processes, rather I am igniting fires quickly, tending to
the required follow-through and then letting go and moving on.
I am discovering my movement - a Tai Ji/Chi Gung/Yoga/Dance Flow that is inherently unique to me - in a downtown Los Angeles courtyard of a Superior Court where people with mental disease, some even with their arms and hands strapped to their waist, sit waiting a judge's call as a TV presides above it all blaring its epitaph of fear mongering. Ignoring the predatory looks of the disembodied men in the sun kissed courtyard, I dropped into my Warrior and then I glared back, understanding that sometimes what some people need is a good swift kick in the ass. "WAKE UP!" (And, I've got the wherewithal to impart my Dark Feminine wrath.)
I am putting my Self as my number one priority by parenting my self along with, when need be, my Loved Ones. Accompanying my mother to that Los Angeles court, I took care of me first by asking for my needs to be met (and held on equal footing as her own), I defended myself from her blaming/shaming attack in response, and then I compassionately expressed my LOVE and gratitude.
We capped our afternoon off with a laughter filled lunch over Dim Sum in Chinatown when I chose to guide her down a dirt path as a shortcut to her car, only she got stuck on her back in the green foliage and a sweet, young Latino man ran up the hill to help her down. We've learned how to let the Super woman facade go, wander into adventure and allow for assistance in getting out.
We were at that courthouse asking for conservatorship of her brother who suffers with schizophrenia which has resulted, I believe, from a lifetime of alcoholism as well as sleeping on the streets for the past twenty years. Confused about what was taking place and wanting, more than anything, to return to the life he has known, I navigated the terrain of allowing him to blame my mother, empathizing with his desire to exert his free will as a man who makes his own decisions, and then compassionately conveying that my mother and I are just worried and want to see that he is being taken care of (rather than the pattern of the last few years which has been his drinking leading him to extended hospital stays).
At one point, I asked him what the rectangular shaped object in his white sock was. He pulled out a razor and began to shave the rough skin on his face. "You never know when you'll need a blade," he said, as I sat there cracking up with a look of mirth knowing that he got by both of the care providers from the VA who accompanied him on his day's field trip as well as the two guards at the door and their sensors. (Naturally, one of his care providers asked for the razor and, like an innocent, he just handed it over and into the man's blue-gloved hand.)
More than anything, what's clear is that we've reached the tipping point. The desire to experience One'ness, to bee embodied, expressive and truly FREE has again beecome our collective consciousness. The capitalist machine of marketing and mayhem is on hyper-drive, deathly fearful of its own imminent demise. The trick is to stay out of its path while allowing for its downfall and to always remember that this planet is filled with far more GOODNESS, LOVE AND MIRACLES than even our little minds can fathom. And, one day very soon, THIS WILL BEE THE EVENING NEWS, over and over again.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
The God Who Only Knows Four Words
Every Child
Has Known God,
Not the God of names,
Not the God of don'ts,
Not the God who ever does anything weird,
But the God who only knows four words
and keeps repeating them,
"Come dance with Me."
Has Known God,
Not the God of names,
Not the God of don'ts,
Not the God who ever does anything weird,
But the God who only knows four words
and keeps repeating them,
"Come dance with Me."
Sunday, January 12, 2014
This One is Mine
Someone put You
on a slave block
And the unreal bought
Now I keep coming to your owner
saying, "This One is Mine."
You often overhear us talking and
this can make your heart leap
with excitement.
Don't worry,
I will not let sadness
possess you.
I will gladly borrow all the gold I need,
To get You back.
This little pearl of wisdom is found inside of Hafiz's The Gift, page 50.
Another YOU - young, wet beehind the ears, a white, American male
filled with the optimism and hope of beeing Christ embodied yet far from
understanding the depths of darkness that Jesus not only once embraced
but fought for - brought it to my attention to it. "Here," you pushed,
"read page fifty, it's my favorite." Just like You did with Jean Haner's
Hidden Symmetry book. And, at first glance, I thought very little of the peace/piece.
I had to read it twice.
And, then, I beecame a Hafiz recognizing my own Self-Imprisonment and valiantly working to set myself free.
Perhaps, you've noticed my lack of words posted here in this New Year.
I will keep posting here intermittently and I'm writing and posting elsewhere, too.
I'll keep you posted on that. ; )
In this 2014, my Intention is to embody my Shakti energy in the manifestation and
creation of all of the freedom that I've always dreamed of. No longer struggling
over long hours, or slogging through a belaboring process, I've committed to the spontaneous
ease of combustion when it comes to lighting heart fires. My Soul is Burning.
It's time to let this Flame out.
on a slave block
And the unreal bought
Now I keep coming to your owner
saying, "This One is Mine."
You often overhear us talking and
this can make your heart leap
with excitement.
Don't worry,
I will not let sadness
possess you.
I will gladly borrow all the gold I need,
To get You back.
This little pearl of wisdom is found inside of Hafiz's The Gift, page 50.
Another YOU - young, wet beehind the ears, a white, American male
filled with the optimism and hope of beeing Christ embodied yet far from
understanding the depths of darkness that Jesus not only once embraced
but fought for - brought it to my attention to it. "Here," you pushed,
"read page fifty, it's my favorite." Just like You did with Jean Haner's
Hidden Symmetry book. And, at first glance, I thought very little of the peace/piece.
I had to read it twice.
And, then, I beecame a Hafiz recognizing my own Self-Imprisonment and valiantly working to set myself free.
Perhaps, you've noticed my lack of words posted here in this New Year.
I will keep posting here intermittently and I'm writing and posting elsewhere, too.
I'll keep you posted on that. ; )
In this 2014, my Intention is to embody my Shakti energy in the manifestation and
creation of all of the freedom that I've always dreamed of. No longer struggling
over long hours, or slogging through a belaboring process, I've committed to the spontaneous
ease of combustion when it comes to lighting heart fires. My Soul is Burning.
It's time to let this Flame out.
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
A New Year Shedding
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My big, fat spiritual community |
how do you mark the time?
2014 is out the gate,
how will you spend the time?
My writing is a reflection practice that allows me to practice 'walking my talk,' so, in this New Year, I've been giving LOVE like tomorrow just might not come - beecause it just might not come.
I've been lighting fires with my generosity, as well.
Creating experiences that I need not even bee at myself ~
just knowing that LOVE and community are unfolding is perfect enough for me.
For thee I shall count the ways, however, simply beecause I want you to taste how easy it is to give freely and generously in your everyday life.
For New Year's Eve, I used my woman's wily ways to encourage my Lover to DJ for our weekly, free-form dance community as well as to inspire a midnight bonfire at a local community house afterward. On the last night of 2013, I stepped into the center of our closing circle and pronounced my endearing love and sweet affection for my Lover ~ an example that I would LOVE us all to follow in this new year and beeyond. Then, he and I, well, we just chose to stay in and fuck the New Year in. As the clock struck twelve, I thought, "Why haven't I thought of this beefore?" Too much pomp and circumstance is placed on some idyllic midnight kiss between Lovers in public at the strike of twelve, but I'll take the loud expression and embodied experience that comes with deep intimacy and great sex, any time.
On New Year's Day, we enjoyed leisurely time spent amongst two, different communities. The first was comprised of my elders, men and women of San Diego who have been here keeping the heartbeat of Community, Cooperation, Tantra, Dance, Self-Expression and LOVE alive for decades now. It was an honor to just sit among them, to humble myself to my place of beecoming and unfolding, to honor that 'I don't know (anything)' but I can certainly listen and receive what others want to teach and share.
The second was at the home of a man I once fervently loved back in a time when I wasn't respecting myself enough to consciously choose my sexual partners thus, at the time, I did not respect him and where he was. Still, for the past three years, we've danced around each other ~ literally and virtually ~ fumbling through our attempts at sustaining our burgeoning kinship. Gifting him, and his girlfriend, a package of flying wish paper and a set of Royal Bee matches, he later told me that they had a great time setting their New Year's intentions on fire and watching them fly away. We hugged then, and told each other how grateful we are for the presence of each other in our lives ~ truth settling like a warm blanket between us.
Bringing my Lover down to a farm in the Tijuana River Valley, we visited the site of an older mentor of mine, a man whom I once worked diligently alongside in the production of both Dance Jam as well as in the organization of the organic food education non-profit he's been running for over a decade now. My Lover eager to feed his body's need for hard work, jumped at every opportunity for performing manual labor on the popular, organic farm. Meanwhile, I humbled myself to honoring my Elders by listening as my one-time mentor told me about his greatest success at their three-year-old farm. When he mentioned his concern over the lack of precipitation our region has received this winter, I offered in the only way I know how. "Let's do a Rain Dance, in the fields," I suggested. Eager to receive, he nodded in agreement while I honestly gave voice to how ~ dancing in farm fields ~ has been a fantasy of mine for years now.
Last, but certainly not least, was time spent in the company of my ex-boyfriend yesterday, when we just laughed uproariously, as we have always been want to do. I was able to gift him the acknowledgment of how, when we first got together back in the spring of 2005, I was highly selfish and self-absorbed. At that time, I did not have the ability to see to the needs of anyone but myself. However, I am no longer that person and it is to him that I am most grateful for this change. "Thank you," I told him. I also told him that he's a powerful healer who is not beeing of service to the world by withholding his gifts and not offering them to the public.
The shedding for me in this year of the Snake (there remains one month left on the Chinese calendar) has been the awakening of my inner (and outer) Osiris as well as my honoring my inner (and outer) Isis.
I look forward to galloping into the Year of the Horse.
It's time for this thoroughbred to shine.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
The snake has almost finished shedding its final skin.
There's one last lick remaining, however, to purge and release,
to let go and surrender all final vestiges of Ego and plunder, of anger
and resentment, of holding on to anything and all that does not serve You or Our
Greater Good.
Forget your fear.
Slide into the Darkness of the Unknown.
The transformation is near complete.
An evolution into our higher consciousness,
where, like the herd of the horse,
we move together as One,
we honor each other's strengths
and we support our vulnerabilities.
True power shines through
as it glints off of our brillaint backs,
illuminating a dawn morning,
we gallop towards our collective dreams.
For a New Moon Has Risen....
2 - 0 - 1 - 4
There's one last lick remaining, however, to purge and release,
to let go and surrender all final vestiges of Ego and plunder, of anger
and resentment, of holding on to anything and all that does not serve You or Our
Greater Good.
Forget your fear.
Slide into the Darkness of the Unknown.
The transformation is near complete.
An evolution into our higher consciousness,
where, like the herd of the horse,
we move together as One,
we honor each other's strengths
and we support our vulnerabilities.
True power shines through
as it glints off of our brillaint backs,
illuminating a dawn morning,
we gallop towards our collective dreams.
For a New Moon Has Risen....
2 - 0 - 1 - 4
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