Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lessons on Love


Connections can, and do, exist in the strangest of places.  Sometimes, they can be discovered where you never would have thought to look, let alone contemplated experiencing, because you've become so conditioned by what you think (is "right," is "the way," is socially acceptable, etc).  


Diving in, to physical contact (be that kissing, touching, holding, caressing, dancing, or copulating), is the most immediate way to discover whether or not a deeper connection does, or even can, exist.  Again, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised with where, and who, your body biologically responds to.  


Let go of a desire to control an outcome.  For years, I, personally, could not intimately communicate because I was fearful of being judged and rejected.  Therefore, in my ego's twisted realm, I always maintained an elevated status (no matter how delusional this "status" was) - even as I suffered greatly from the lack of trying to express my real, authentic feelings.  The isolation that usually resulted was always a crushing blow.

Begin by honoring your feelings.  "Wow!  I really love this person," is how you feel.  Perfect.  It is more than okay to feel what you feel.  Then, recognize that your need to share these feelings is far greater than whether or not the person on the receiving end feels reciprocally.  "I don't need this other to love me in return," is your intention for giving yourself permission to show up with your feelings, express them and then let them go.  


Move on when the writing is on the wall.  Listen to and heed the unspoken words, as well as the subtle actions, that simply state that you will not be loved, adored or ravished the way that you deserve to be.  Loving others is always dependent upon our ability to love ourselves - first and foremost.

Acknowledge the strength in vulnerability it took for you, in those few, brief moments, to give your love freely.  However, also recognize if the mutually supportive love that you need, in order to keep coming back to this encounter, will be forthcoming.  If not, give gratitude and thanks for the lesson(s) and move on.  Yes, it can be (and it is) this simple!    


Only when you are being continually ravished, enjoyed, tasted, LOVED, listened to, heard, felt, and asked questions, THEN keep coming back to the middle and showing up to the conversation, to the encounter and to the dance.  But, only then.  Yes, only then.

So, my friends, here's to more people and experiences blowing the lid off of what I/we think.  
Here's to diving in and tasting love's ripe fruit as well as its bittersweet aftertaste of disappointment.
And, here's to being alive, and fully HUMAN - 
experiencing, feeling, sharing, letting go and moving on!

Yours in the dance,