Wednesday, July 14, 2010

When We Were Simply One

Meet me in between
man and woman
earth and sky
joy and pain
flesh and spirit
bitter and sweet
meet me in between
the duality
the division of wholes
violently ripped in two
meet me in between the
exhale and the inhale
between the expansion
and the contraction
between the push and the pull
half a heart awaits its next beat
half a soul awaits its counter balance.

Meet me somewhere along
a road less traveled
walking nimbly out past the break,
past the mountains and the hills
the sunrises and the sunsets
past the point of no return.
Meet me

Meet me in between
here and there,
now and then,
forever gone and only to return.

Meet me

 in stillness

       in silence
in nothing to do'ness.  In nowhere to be's
and no one to see.
  Meet me here, on this screen.
Meet me there, in the mirror.
Meet me, anywhere,
on the street, in the dog,
in the tilted grin of a beggar.
In the sugar spilled on the counter
the crystals reflecting the glory
of all that once was and is never
to be
Meet me
Meet me

Meet me in between
me and you,
us and them,
yours and mine.
Meet me where the clouds
part, in the distance between
language and knowing,
between custom and instinct.
Meet me between the breath
after the exhalation, in clear
space and an open conduit.

Meet me in the middle
of a dance floor,
on a field in a farm,
or on a trampoline on a lake on an island in the Pacific Northwest.
Meet me in the distance that lay between us
like a Grand Canyon awaiting our fall
meet me beyond Eden
back in sacred time
when we were simply

We were simply one.

Meet me

                                           (Desert Morning over Joshua Tree National Park, 2009, Photo by CHC Designs)