Friday, August 31, 2012

(now you know why i write about LOVE)

P.S. This is a deeply personal post and, considering who you are reading it, you may not like what it has to say.  However, it's my tale to tell...

p.s.s.  I am a Fire Dragon, by way of the Chinese Zodiac.  (And, the Rattlesnake that bit me in March was also Blue! )

Dearest Love,

I've attached an email I just discovered in my personal e-inbox below.
And, before you read it, I want to share with you a little about what I released today:

This morning, I sat in front of a churning Pacific allowing my deep feelings of "not good enough" to arise, flowing in and out like the tide.  Jess L. recently helped me see more clearly the judgment that still comes my way from my very own, blood sister.  As I've shared in the past I don't feel safe - I never have. 

In my most primal experiences, my mother never offered me Unconditional Love.  Instead, she hit me and spit words of venom at me when she was displeased.  Meanwhile, my father either physically ran away for business travels or drowned his sorrows in a beer bottle.  On occasion, he hit and emotionally eviscerated any sense of "protection" I hoped to find.  My brother merely emulated my mother's rage & abuse.  Growing up, I always thought my sister was my refuge - she taught me everything, modeled a passive surrender and I always looked up to her.  But she too rejected me - telling me I was not someone she would ever be friends with and by offering me a place in her wedding, not at her side but, as the photographer's helper.

It was the rejection and judgment from my sister that nearly vanquished my Spirit.  "I must truly be a monster," I thought, as I pulled in and worked so hard at making myself a "better" person.  I see now, so clearly, how I've invited men into deeper intimacy with me who merely served to perpetuate this false idea - that I deserve rejection and judgment.  I deserve pure, sweet, kind, generous, grateful LOVE ~ just as I so readily give out.

I'm typing this and crying - so, thank you for the release.  ; ) 

Today, I am humbly grateful for the life lessons that I chose in this lifetime.  My Spirit needed to learn all of this to be here, now.  And, I kneel down in gratitude to my parents and siblings for being my teachers.  Also, I am sharing this with you because I want you to know that this is why I am 110% committed to the Rise of the Feminine, to Sisterhood and to our message of Personal & Global Peace, Love & Harmony.

May this Blue Moon allow you to also release what no longer serves you, thereby transforming it into the raw fuel you need in order to intentionally direct your life towards what you've always dreamed!

May it Bee and
So It Is,

Greetings, and Glad Tidings ~
We've all heard the phrase, 'Once in a Blue Moon', right?

These words spark imaginings of starry lights, illuminated nights
and a feeling something new and unique is coming around;
Something rare and profound is flowing into our lives to shake
things up, stir our Hearts and brighten even the darkest of Nights. 
Well ... on August 31, 2012 the Blue Moon is rising, Beloveds.
Along with it, a powerful Gateway of Fiery change is opening.
In the Heavens and in our Hearts.  Gratefully, it is comes at just
the right time (of course!).
With all the intense earth changes, social unrest, political jest
and downright muck and mire we've been slogging through these
past few moons, we're all ready for a bright Light to Illuminate
and ease the Way.
Besides being a Blue Moon, it is also a
Double Dragon Full Moon.

It is a Double Dragon because this is the
Year of the Water Dragon, and this final
August moon is  connected to the
Fire Dragon, Kokopnyam.

(It is a Blue Moon, of course, being the
second full moon this month.)

My teacher, Sister of the Heart and
Quero Apache HolyOne, Maria Yraceburu,
offers this simple ceremony for aligning with
the energies of the Dragon Moon:
"Go out and sit under the stars.  Find the one that calls
to you. Allow the ancestry to flood your heart, slow down
and pace yourself. We join with Earth now, as is our birth 
right, and experience her transmutational power.

Appreciate the beautiful confirmations you receive.
Together, aligning in time, in passion, we attract the 
rainbow and build the bridge."

'StarStream Initiations' ~ Stacey Robyn 2012
Also, using Maria's energetic charting and her Tlish Diyan cyclic
calendar, the energy for this August 31st Full Moon is:

===> HeartFire Initiations: Honoring

Beloveds, the HeartFire is a Gateway of transformation, a tool
for purification, and an inner Light that guides and Illuminates
the Pathway.

As we are all in a period of intense initiation, with Earth changes
in full-swing (mirroring the shifting of our inner landscape and
the purification of our collective consciousness) HONORING
our selves, our Inner Knowing, and daily making space to care
for ourselves is paramount.

In our own lives we've been experiencing bouts of dizziness,
nausea, and frequent ringing in the ears.  Daily naps have become
a necessity, instead of a luxury, and we find we require extra
time to accomplish even seemingly simple tasks.

A slurry of old memories are popping up left and right, ready to
be witnessed, accepted and released.  Perhaps this is happening
for you, too.  Remember - Gratitude is truly the Master Key that
opens us to the fiery healing power of Love. So when life gets
intense, sometimes the best thing to do is just breathe into the
HeartFire and give Thanks!

By Honoring our Selves, our Truth, our Bodies and All Our Relations
we add our purified essence and energy to the raising of
consciousness, simultaneously releasing fear and stepping
out of old stories ... into full presence and empowered, authentic

In addition to the simple Full Moon ceremony shared above, Maria
Yraceburu add this:

"This is important ===> In our way, time is set aside after

transition for gentle entry into new life."
In other words:  This Double Dragon Blue Moon is BIG, fiery,
soul-healing, Heart-Firing stellar Initiation.  In the weeks and
months following, it is vital to create space each day to ease into
the new energies ...  to fully settle into the new life-codes flowing
through right now. 

'HeartFire Gateway' ~ Stacey Sophia Robyn 2012During the coming weeks, and months, as we settle into the new
energies, be sure to make space each day to re-center.

Meditation, entering the silence, connection and communion with
Nature, and accessing our Inner Knowing are vital to taking
life-affirming action in a grounded, present, peace-filled way.

Napping, lots of pure water, high-vibe foods and grateful thoughts
will do wonders, too, for making our way gracefully through the
Gateways of change.

To assist with integrating the massive transformations of the
HeartFire Initiations, we've designed a new 42 Day series:

We are initiating this new program August 31st, on the
Dragon Full Moon. We've designed this series to be a  daily
companion (and a gentle nudge!) to set aside time each day
to be present, centered and love-powered in our choices
as we make our way through the rapid changes at Heart!
To begin the HeartFire Gateways journey, go here ===>

As always, this high-vibe, heart-sparking 42 Day journey is
offered on the basis of Appreciation.

In short:  You choose an exchange that works for YOU!
Thank you, in advance, for adding your energy to the gathering =
and for supporting our mutual growth, evolution and planetary

In deep Gratitude to Maria Yraceburu -- for her wise council, loving
guidance and impeccable service to Humanity -- a portion of all
proceeds from the HeartFire Gateways program goes to support
the Yraceburu EarthWisdom Community and newly acquired
Taa-Naash-Kaa-Daa Sanctuary in beautiful NM.

This is truly a win-win-win opportunity for All!

HeartFire Gateways opens August 31st.  Join us here:

Beloveds, Wherever this Full Moon finds you -- please take some
time to bask in the Great-Full-Ness of the Light of Grandmother
Moon. Open yourself to the Heavens and allow the Light of the
StarFire to merge with your HeartFire.

Feel this connection creating a bridge between Heaven and Earth,
Heart and Mind, Spirit and Matter.  Accept the gifts that flow
through this bridge and know you are Love, Loved and Beloved
Children of Creation!

We are profoundly grateful for your continued presence in our lives,
for the opportunity to serve, and thank you for adding your Light
to the World.

Ukehi Shi'bijii ... Thank you for being our Hearts

Thank you, Beloveds, for being YOU!

Stacey Robyn and the ground crew of
Go Gratitude!
World Gratitude
and Blooming Humans, too!
P.S.  Remember - HeartFire Gateways opens August 31st.
Just imagine what will happen as we connect our HeartFires
planet-wide.  Now there's a new version of Burning Man for ya!
Dust-free to boot!  ;-)
Join us here: