Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I lost the Prosperity Hive, and I gained Sisterhood (Tribal Truth).
I lost my wallet, and I gained my sanity.
I've continually been losing time, money, et al,
and I've regularly been gaining relationships, love and more.

In order to gain anything, we have to first risk losing.
If we can train our eyes to perceive our losses as divinely timed,
perfect lessons - blessing us with the exact teaching that we need right in this moment -
then we just might find ourselves exactly where we've always wanted to be.
The question is, "Where do you want to bee?"
The more clarity you have with your answer,
the easier it is to (wo)manifest.

(Also, it is essential to understand that the present you are constructing now
will be your future in the days to come.  So, bee mindfull!) 

As for me, I'm exactly where I've always wanted to be -
cooking a homemade meal with fresh, local produce collected straight from the farm for
my family here at Las Raices Collectiva;
being held and nurtured in the embrace of sweet sisterhood by dozens of sisters;
choosing love with the most perfectly imperfect, right man; and more.
It doesn't mean that it's perfect, forever, or complete.  
It simply means that I am here now, and THIS IS IT.

Risk looking the fool, risk losing faith, risk getting hurt
and GAIN.