Wednesday, September 5, 2012


There's this other in my world.
He serves as a catalyst for me in that he blatantly disagrees with one of my most
passionate solutions for our mutual sustainability.

At first, I waved my arms all about and cried, "You wouldn't believe what He did!"
Then, I tried to see LIFE from his angle, perspective and lens.
And, I found myself saying, "Yes, way to go, friend!  Way to take a stand and put yourself out into our world!"  After all, who am I to shut anyone down?  Especially someone who is taking a risk and is vulnerably expressing his voice?  And, so what if we don't beelieve in the same thing, or share the same ethics?  Can we agree to disagree while continuing to accept and love each other?  Can I offer another the support and encouragement that I always want to receive, even when I am "mis-taken?"


So, he'll call me out when I respond to him from the triggers of my defenses, and I really appreciate this.  More so, because our relationship over the past month has had me digging deep into my beliefs, unearthing words that help me to convey the ideas of my passions and then discovering how to clearly elucidate them so that another may understand my way of bee-ing in this world.

And, here it is... As I've passionately conveyed in this blog, I am committed to LOVE, PEACE & HARMONY on this Planet Earth.  However, what this doesn't look like is a bunch of Breatharian's moving around as pure light, taking up no space and consuming not a thing.  Rather, I honor LIFE on this planet and how there is a balancing point upon which every organism relies on the sustenance and nourishment of other organisms, including the soil, water and air that surrounds us.  The seagull doesn't stop mid-flight, as it's careening toward a rock-dusted shore in its pursuit of a lumbering crab, to scratch its head and say, "Um, I really shouldn't hurt that crab right now."  

A hungry and fierce lioness doesn't lay back on her laurels as the Antelope go galloping by.  Heck no!  She's got babies to feed and a tribe to tend to.  Our application of wrong and right, good and bad, pain and suffering, just may bee anthropocentric in its view.  Now, don't get me wrong - yes, I do believe that animals feel.  They're just like us!  Or, maybee, we're just like them - Humanimals!  

There is a way ~ we walked it on this planet for thousands of years ~ in which we can honor our taking and accept it as LIFE lived on this Planet Earth.  I simply always check in with myself, "Would I sacrifice myself for the greater good of all?"  My answer is usually a resounding "YES!"  Plus, I'm willing to enter into a conversation about DEATH.  Maybee, it's not an ending.  Perhaps, it's a beginning.  LIFE has to begin somewhere, after all.