Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

Christmas Day 2013,
how do you mark the time?

It's the one day in America when consumerism and busy-ness
is left by the wayside, and quality time spent present
with our Loved Ones is the value.
Phew ~ feels like hOMe to me.

One whole day.
How do you spend it?

This time of year always has me in a reflective mood.

The other day, one of my mentors - who had to have her appendix removed this week -
exclaimed how, in certain Native American traditions, One does not dance the Bear Dance in
winter.  Now is the time for deep sleep and hibernation, for pulling in and staying warm, for burrowing and resting up.  Given that we southern Californians live in a perennial summer, how do we honor these most sacred of rhythms when we reside in a land and culture hell-bent on our forgetting?

As I reflect on the now, almost past year, I am filled with GRATITUDE.  My, what a year it has been filled with movement and motion, change and transformation ~  all that I ever really want for myself, really.  As a result, I discover myself sinking deeper into living my authentic truth with an open-heart while trusting that, whatever is to come in 2014 & beeyond,  both God and the Universe have got me.  I am Loved, fervently.  I am supported, deeply.  I LOVE, deep and true.  

And, so are you.

So, may this bee my Christmas wish for you ~ 
to know this, to embody it, TO BEE IT.