Saturday, August 23, 2014

Embodying LIFE

Gorgeous Mamas-to-Bee at Wild Willow
(Preface: This year, I haven't been tending to my blog writing as I have over the past few years. In fact, my writing here has now mainly beecome a LOVE letter to my soon-to-bee born Sun. Yet, I see that "you" are still here, reading past and current posts in countries all around the world. And I realize that these writings have always been about the future and what I am leaving beehind in my wake. It is my hope that whatever you find here inspires you to lead and co-create a life of magic and mystery, of harmony and balance, of wisdom and living with the Earth (instead of against it.) Thank you for your eyes and Soul Spirit. I See You...)


Twisting and turning, I blow into your life
Spewing and raging, I explode with abandon
Tearing and shifting, I break my way through.

Drifting and settling, I hold firm to the banks
Ebbing and flowing, I sway to the rhythm
Waxing and waning, I illuminate the night.

Howling and screeching, I swing across the sky
Burning and fusing, I transform light into life
Rising and rushing, I roll onto these shores.

Panting and prowling, I stalk my prey
Crawling and creeping, I forage through
Planning and observing, I notice you.

Smiling and laughing, I whistle in joy
Drying and rotting, I burn in the heat
Booming and resonant, I rumble through.

Contracting and tensing, I expand under pressure
Expanding and brightening, I reflect each surface
Taut and weary, I am shelter.

Wet and shaking, I drip in silence
Deep and dark, I prowl the shadows
All knowing and present, I am Consciousness.

Pungent, putrid and profane
Death, Dying and Destruction
Creation and Nothingness

Your Mama & Dasia's Mama