Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Stoked on Be-ing Alive at 35
 "GIVE LOVE!  Give Your Love Away.  GIVE LOVE!  Give your love away.  GIVE LOVE!" 
the hip-shakin' rhythm and sweet tune of MC Yogi pours out of the speaker system, filling the Hive with its harmonious melody, greeting my senses on this October 21st, 2011.  Along with today being my 35th birthday, it is also - according to some interpreters of the Mayan Calendar - the mid-point of our global ascension into Unity Consciousness. 

"Just open up the door and let your love pour.. when we give love, we can never be poor."

Today, and everyday, I honor me, by showing up - in as many moments as I possibly can - with full permission to just BEe.  Loud and obnoxiously singing the refrains of a catchy tune, "The gifts of the Goddess, love, joy and peace.  The gifts of the Goddess, I am ready to receive."
Multi-dimensional and flinging my body up and down, out and in, side to side, around and over, I relate with all - Earth, sky, people, animal, insect, inanimate object.  Multi-sensory and deeply feeling all of the subtle as well as spoken signs, markers, dances, and stinging that we experience on this journey.  I honor me for being here, now.  I honor me by being here, now - as much as I humanly can.  And, I also rejoice when I am distracted, unfocused, contradictory and hypocritical, too!
I celebrate me by allowing myself to Bee Free.

Today, I celebrate...  Resourcefulness.  Creativity.  Connection.  

Today, I also celebrate YOU ... as the CD you gifted the Hive pours out of the speaker box.

"Let's say this is life, and I'm going to celebrate being alive."

As the painting we painted together, on my last birthday, hangs on my door.  As that painting hangs on material you gifted me for our group project.  As the organic food, like the fingerling potatoes grown in the nutritious soil of Sage Mountain farm, that you left by the Hive's door sit in your wooden bowl.  As I enjoy a breakfast made from the locally grown melon you gifted me.  As I wear the leather bracelet you gifted me, and the lapis verde beads that you wove and prayed over.  As I receive your offer and ask for a ride.  As my naked body is wrapped in the brown tank top, with dazzling neckline, you gave me on my 29th and as I twirl in the blue, floor length skirt you gifted me this summer.  As you watch over me from above, your eyes following my every move.  As you have always watched over me through a lifetime of adventures and questionable decisions.  As you built a loft within a loft.  As I still hear your footfalls on this honey-colored wood floor that you have lit up with your presence and music, your dance and conversation, your being and your love. 

"I give thanks.  
Give thanks.
This is how I fill my cup.  
I give thanks. 
Give thanks."

As we dance together on Wednesday nights.  As you taught me the simplicity of fresh-cut flowers from the neighborhood.  As you accept my open arms for a shared embrace.  As you question my actions and reflect my highest light.  As you create and I respond with my own initiative and drive.  As you receive my curiosity and inquisitive nature.  As you sit with my silence and my moodiness.  As you sleep within the safe yellow walls of the Hive.  As we break bread and build toward what is next to come...
another year
of making MAGIC.


"Don't worry, don't be afraid.  Every little thing is going to be okay."

Today, we call this alchemical process of turning what doesn't work (or hasn't been working) into Gold, 


Calling it in... For ALL of US