Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Commercial Break: Core Connect Parenting

A month ago, I wrote a post about community and, more specifically, I relayed an experience I shared with three others while exploring time and space at our weekly gathering place in Encinitas.  On this day, I was looking to connect but I was feeling unable to do so in the way that I most usually do - with high energy and grandiose movement.  Instead, I turned to my quiet breath and still reverie, and I discovered an equal celebration of spontaneous life and the improvisational moment.

On that morning, Christy Ahna Zahava caught my attention from my peripheral view.  She was sitting in repose, listening to the moments at hand.  I joined her on a magical journey that began before this one day and that has continued since.  Today, on this morning, I wanted to honor Christy and her work.

Christy has been studying "Connection Parenting," the work of Pam Leo, and now offers classes, both in-person and in-teleconference, regarding Grief Recovery, Healing Loss, and Parenting Through Love Instead Of Fear.  Her web page,, is informative and her person is inspiring.  Although I am not yet a parent myself, one thing that I recognize now is that I could never raise my child with another person alone.  As it is, the power of community is vital to my emotional health and well-being.  I can only imagine how much more important it will become as my most intimate of tribes contintues to grow. 

For all you parents out here in virtural land, if you need someone to talk to, to provide constructive feedback, and even if you are looking to expand your circle of support, I highly recommend you look in Christy's direction.  She is an amazingly patient mother, a gifted communicator, and just an all around motivational human being.