Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Rite of Spring


Fertility and the Honey of Life,
Accomplishing the Impossible

Bees are the symbol of fertility and sexuality.
Its honeycomb, a hexagon, is the symbol of the heart 

and represents the sweetness of life found within 
our own heart. It is also the symbol of the sun and all 
its energies.The bee reminds us to extract the honey of life
and to make our lives fertile (productive) while the sun shines.
No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of 
fulfillment if we pursue our dreams.
If a Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own 
Are you doing all you can to make your life more fertile?
Are you busy enough?
Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not 

becoming a workaholic?
The Bee is the symbol of accomplishing the impossible.
Aerodynamically, its body is too large for its wings and, thus, 

it should not be able to fly.
Although we now understand how it does fly 

(it has a high rate of wing movement), the Bee remains 
a symbol of accomplishing anything you put your mind to.
In Hinduism, the Bee relates to Vishnu, Krishna or Kama, 
the God of Love.
In Egypt, the Bee symbolized royalty.
In Greece, it was the symbol of the Eleusinian Mysteries.
The Celts associated the Bee with hidden wisdom.

On this spring equinox, a day when the sun passes the equator
and our day is as equally long as our night,
May your life BE full with the same promise and potential
as our totem friend and animal insect the Bee.