Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mass Consumption and Me, Take II

Southern California girl - raised, not born.
Rolling, coastal desert hills,
and sugary rhythms
of pop culture ingratiate themselves
into my be-ing, into my very way of life.

Six-year old me chased after
ice cream trucks, and the boys next door,
seven-year old me ran from nipping dogs
and the boys named "Felix" who liked to kiss
the girls and make them cry.

Nine-year old me lit up
lakeside parks, with a big grin and a
tomboy haircut chasing after
flying discs while wearing nothing more
than overalls.

Eleven-year old me shared an expanse
of native habitat, marshy lagoons
and crumbling sandstone,
with brown-skinned "aliens," with humans seeking more,
a greater chance and easier survival.

Thirteen-year old me stuffed Doritos
into her mouth while pretending
to play games of
spin the bottle.
Fifteen-year old me played camp
counselor to the children whose
relatives resided in those neighboring hills.
Seventeen-year old me
still did not have a car of her own and
was hanging onto her virginity by a thread.
Nineteen-year old me was

Off to explore what more the world entailed.
An existence other than So Cal cool.

Twenty-six year old me returned,
still without a car and with
disc throwing skills greatly improved.
With shaved head and hairy pits,
androgyny embodied.

Twenty-eight year old me fell in love
with an illegal immigrant
with a man who taught me much.

Thirty-year old me (re)discovered
Thirty-one year old me rejoiced in
Thirty-two year old me decided to listen
to her highest good,
Thirty-three year old me is
So Cal cool.

Engaging in touch, depth, connection,
communion, laughter,
moments of delight, and
tears of sorrow repeatedly
with a group of over 50+ people
on a weekly basis
in environments
where we are not asked to buy,
purchase or consume.
Where all we need to do is
contribute to maintain our
collective space.
A sliding scale dependent upon one's means.
Friendship and memories made without the
pressure of money droning its epithets in our ears.
Where consumption is an after thought.
Where hand-made pizzas are thrown,
where exercise is achieved,
where community is sowed -
blessed day in and blessed day out.