Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tales of an Avid Documentarian, part deux

Four Sacred Elements and a Fifth
On the Synchronicity of 21

Last weekend, one of my best friends asked me to capture her performance in a lecture presented at UCSD in celebration of the 2010 UCIRA State of the Arts conference.  Professor Richard Cohen presented a twenty-minute lecture in which he expounded upon "the mystery" and how we need to bring it into academia as a bonafide inquiry of research - outside of the conventional paradigm of scientific data and theological explanation.

The reformance art piece that sprung up around him as he spoke - emerging both from within the audience as well as outside of it - embodied both the subject matter as well as the four human qualities that Professor Cohen chose to focus on as an entry point in which all of us can tune in to this mystery - with, in and through love, compassion, joy and serenity (LoCoJoSo).
Space Child Spirit
The following day, on Sunday, November 21st, I arrived into my beloved community for our weekly session of Dance Church.  I wandered over to our altar and intuitively pulled the #21 card from Stevee Postman's Cosmic Tribe Ta'rot deck.  The Universe card reads: "In darkest space, peopled by stars, the water breaks and a space child spills into being.  Comets and photons beam exaltation.  Quasars pulse rhythmically while black holes whistle and planets drum.  Now, the humble and hard-working Universe can actually see itself.  It looks through human eyes and onto the earth jewel in the crown of the cosmos and exclaims - Ah.... Beautiful!  Welcome, friend, to the Cosmic Tribe.

The four sacred elements of air, fire, water and earth converge from the corners to form our material world.  However, life and her conscious off spring cannot evolve without the fifth sacred element - Spirit.  Spirit is represented by a human space child.  The Cosmic eye gazes out from the space child's heart, reminding us that LOVE is our highest conscious expression.  When he opens his heart, the space child opens to the entire Universe, and within this greatly expanded sense of self, he contains galaxies of limitless potential.  He has merged with the cosmic mind.  His pose and aura reflect the sublime feeling of being the Universe that created him.  In this state, all walls come down.  The small contains the very large and distinctions dissolve into grand swirls of energy..."
Love is simultaneously the greatest mystery of all and it allows us to revel in the great mystery