Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happiness Is.... (Moving As One)

The transformation I have spent the past few years praying for
has arrived.
Thick layers of skin and memory, of ego and fear, have been shed ~
and just in the nick of time ~ in order to Gallop in with the Horse and 
Embody the Power of the Herd.

Still, two weeks remain (until the Chinese New Year.)
Dig deep to do your internal work ~
it's the Greatest Gift You Can Give.

Already, 2014 is the best year of my life.
I get to return home to YOU ~ the Love Story I have spent a lifetime dreaming of,
and nourishing as my future reality deep in my gut. 

I am moving from my center while manifesting with my Shakti Energy which means
I am no longer belaboring any processes, rather I am igniting fires quickly, tending to
the required follow-through and then letting go and moving on.  

I am discovering my movement - a Tai Ji/Chi Gung/Yoga/Dance Flow that is inherently unique to me - in a downtown Los Angeles courtyard of a Superior Court where people with mental disease, some even with their arms and hands strapped to their waist, sit waiting a judge's call as a TV presides above it all blaring its epitaph of fear mongering.  Ignoring the predatory looks of the disembodied men in the sun kissed courtyard, I dropped into my Warrior and then I glared back, understanding that sometimes what some people need is a good swift kick in the ass.  "WAKE UP!"  (And, I've got the wherewithal to impart my Dark Feminine wrath.)

I am putting my Self as my number one priority by parenting my self along with, when need be, my Loved Ones.  Accompanying my mother to that Los Angeles court, I took care of me first by asking for my needs to be met (and held on equal footing as her own), I defended myself from her blaming/shaming attack in response, and then I compassionately expressed my LOVE and gratitude.  

We capped our afternoon off with a laughter filled lunch over Dim Sum in Chinatown when I chose to guide her down a dirt path as a shortcut to her car, only she got stuck on her back in the green foliage and a sweet, young Latino man ran up the hill to help her down.  We've learned how to let the Super woman facade go, wander into adventure and allow for assistance in getting out.

We were at that courthouse asking for conservatorship of her brother who suffers with schizophrenia which has resulted, I believe, from a lifetime of alcoholism as well as sleeping on the streets for the past twenty years.  Confused about what was taking place and wanting, more than anything, to return to the life he has known, I navigated the terrain of allowing him to blame my mother, empathizing with his desire to exert his free will as a man who makes his own decisions, and then compassionately conveying that my mother and I are just worried and want to see that he is being taken care of (rather than the pattern of the last few years which has been his drinking leading him to extended hospital stays).  

At one point, I asked him what the rectangular shaped object in his white sock was.  He pulled out a razor and began to shave the rough skin on his face.  "You never know when you'll need a blade," he said, as I sat there cracking up with a look of mirth knowing that he got by both of the care providers from the VA who accompanied him on his day's field trip as well as the two guards at the door and their sensors.  (Naturally, one of his care providers asked for the razor and, like an innocent, he just handed it over and into the man's blue-gloved hand.)

More than anything, what's clear is that we've reached the tipping point.  The desire to experience One'ness, to bee embodied, expressive and truly FREE has again beecome our collective consciousness.  The capitalist machine of marketing and mayhem is on hyper-drive, deathly fearful of its own imminent demise.  The trick is to stay out of its path while allowing for its downfall and to always remember that this planet is filled with far more GOODNESS, LOVE AND MIRACLES than even our little minds can fathom.  And, one day very soon, THIS WILL BEE THE EVENING NEWS, over and over again.