Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Cahlo Re: baby rising

I saw you for the first time
last week,
with your arm raised in a high-five motion,
it was as though you were signaling to me that you were
Cahlo Re.
The sonogram technician snapped away, photo after photo, of your xray. "Your baby is so photogenic!" she cooed, as she quickly placed the images in our hands. "I'm not supposed to take so many," she confided.
And, again, you took my breath away,
subduing demons of fear, anger, depression,
and anxiety, with a simple wave of your hand,
my Healer and my Son,
you are Cahlo Re.
Two words, your birth ushering in a renewed way of beeing in the world,
a remembered time when pain is again accepted as natural but suffering is not an option,
Cahlo Re.
A Divine Sun Child, you are descendant of Osiris and Isis,
comprised of your parent's complementary blood (Ca H. & Lo),
and reincarnated with your Uncle Calo's Vitality and Power.
With a wisp of Frida's Creativity,
you are already Dancing in the Shadowed Moon of my Full Womb,
Cahlo Re.
Last Summer, I Intuited your Coming
as the Angel Gabriel Announced your Arrival.
Then, after your Daddy and I moved through an afternoon of mock Labor,
I Dreamed of You in my Arms.
He and I spent the following Fall Loving Each Other,
my Menstrual Blood spilling between us like the Red Ocher Illuminating Ancient Cave Paintings
of a Phallus Initiated into the Halls of Priesthood.
A Germinated Seed Planted in the Dark of Winter, your Spirit Incarnates this Spring.
To you, we gift the Memory of Divine Love and Ecstatic Embrace
between two human beings,
Cahlo Re.
Your Falcon's Wings are once again taking shape,
and soon you will be ready to Fly. But for now, my Baby Bird,
you are the size of an avocado,
growing strong and steady within my sensitive Body and nurturing Soul.
After another Summer's Bounty
with my Belly near to Bursting
and into the Harvest of Fall,
I will fill your Soft Beak with the Nectar of my Ripe Breasts,
as we Flutter through Space and Time with You At Our Side,
Cahlo Re.