Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You

"So, what's missing from your life?" the zany professor innocently inquired on a New Year's Eve eve.
"Loving," came her quick reply.
Taken aback, he responds - with his jaw agape,
"Wow!  That is not the answer I expected to hear."

And she hears herself speaking the words and she feels herself knowing that
"If you'll allow me, I just want to love you."
Without fear.  Without control.  And, even, without expectation.
Just love - pure, raw, unfiltered.
It's a choice, you know?

And she recognizes where others are and she allows them to exist as they are.
No longer pushing for an outcome.  No longer trying to force a certain result.

Just love.

And then, finally, he walked in the door.

Just love.
Can we allow for ourselves to receive it 
becomes the question?