Thursday, September 19, 2013

Change ~ the only constant we can count on

Ready to fly once more.
I prepare myself to taxi down a runway,
and I am filled with immense gratitude for this nest.

It's been a quiet respite, a space filled with books that feed my Soul
and an abode where sweet sistar D. and I could deepen into our few years
old connection.  She has been potent medicine - a divine reflection sharing her wisdom
as well as yummy and healthy cooking creations, derived from her Egyptian background.

I joined her in prayer on a number of occasions, awkwardly wrapping my thick hair in a hijab
after ablution at the bathroom sink, and then bowing, kneeling and touching my forehead to a mosque-decorated rug as she chanted and offered our bodies, minds, hearts, souls and spirits in service.  Peace bee unto all of us.
As-salam alaykum
السلام عليكم

And, the distant ringing of an early morning prayer bell beckons.
Turkey and Persia, I hear you calling.
Ancient Goddesses of Catal-Huyuk and the sing-song rhythm of Shams & Rumi
are calling me back.
With each lift off here in San Diego, I feel closer to traveling further afield again
and meeting you there.

What transpired here, however, has been profound.
This morning, I dreamt that I stood before you, my true lover and perfect mirror,
as I wrapped a live, wriggling Uraeus around my head.  Then, a string of numbers unfolded
before my eyes like a technological grid and I knew it was a message that I was meant to remember.
However, I was too consumed with wanting to share with you, my dearest LOVE, this part of my dream.  Alas, I remain but a novice at my lucid dreaming skills.

"The butterfly of change 
has once again spoken
so here I sit,
so there I sat,
so here I am,
so there I am gone."