Friday, September 6, 2013

Pulling a Flat-Liner


I was bound to let this space fall away
into a virtual, life-less landscape,
that of a dull and somber world wide web.

"Let it all die," was my thinking,
"so that life may bee reborn anew."

My heart beat slowed, my mind reeling.
What is this unconscious story that I keep playing out? 
Near to flat lining, my Spirit wilted, my Soul sinking,
I begged the Universe for HELP.

Knees in the grass, forehead to Earth, I pleaded,
"Please, Dear God."

Then, that wise, quiet voice from the dark pits of my psyche emerged.
"Beelieve," it demanded.
                       "TRUST," I heard.

So, we meet up as you blast right on through one of my tightly-held onto, fabricated lies.
"You are wanted," you say.  I look away and blink back decades of tears.
Was this what that man meant, during last year's Blue Moon, when he advised me to go back, into my mother's womb, in order to rewrite the erroneous tale I internalized then?


Slowly, that flat line begins to rise _____________--------------------------------
just like that almighty Phoenix.

Surrendering into the sweet embrace of Love,
I open wider, my petals unfolding, soft and nourishing.
My compassion expands beeyond
even that which I once beelieved I was capable of.
Love does this to us.
In the process, I strengthen my boundaries and clarify my, "NO's."
If it's not LOVE then I don't want it.

And I am confident in my abilities because the mirror image that is most intimately reflected is profound. 
It's deep and nurturing; it is accepting and unconditional.

In the end, "THIS"
(meaning: my Body, Heart, Mind, Soul & Spirit)


It's the greatest achievement of my entire life.