Monday, February 17, 2014

Sex Positive Woman

With the cult of personality, a trait that Facebook culture endeavors, there is this habit I've noticed - it's the desire to run ahead and proclaim a new learning without having first integrated it.  On Sunday, a sweet man and I were talking about this tendency when he referred to it as 'pre-mature ejaculation.' Yet another notch in our disembodied belt.  At the time, he and I were musing on life.  I was sharing my own personal shedding of the 'life is suffering' skin, which had been years in the coming, and pointing out that, as different genders, he and I had been raised with entirely different culturally conditioning.

His response to this was to share how his girlfriend talks about the fact that, in the sexual act, it is expected that a man will cum every time  - otherwise, he's left to "suffer" with blue balls.  Meanwhile, the woman's pleasure is merely a side note.  I felt honored to tell him that this simply isn't the case in my relationship.  In my spiritual partnership, my partner gets that not just my, but all women, being turned on and orgasmic is essential to a healthy and robust planet Earth.  Thus, in our relationship, I am the one climaxing 60% of the time to his, maybe, 15%.  

I know, you're wondering about the other 25%, right?  Well, we're just engaging in pleasure and being turned on.  We're engaging in sex as often as we can - on great days it's twice a day, awesome days would be 3+ times - without a goal oriented result, such as climax.   We're making, basking and bathing in LOVE because it's what the world needs now.  I am a Sex Positive Woman and Proud of It!!!!

It's simple - make LOVE not war.
Let's FUCK the Devil out 
and LOVE the Light In.