Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Stink Pile of Globalization

 I have just returned home from a date with my mother during which we watched the - worst - movie - ever.  Okay, fine, it's actually a phenomenal film with amazing actors.  Rather, what fu$king sucked about it is how traumatic it was  to witness the brutality and violence depicted in "Twelve Years a Slave." It's a period piece that truthfully relates the demoralization, dehumanization and degradation inherent - and at the root of - CAPITALISM. 

Capitalism is an unsustainable, hierarchical system based on the objectification of Other - Earth, Animal, Self.  Essential to this unjust monopoly is the complete and total dis-empowerment of the Individual Self - as in You, Me, All of US.   

For thousands upon thousands of years, we had the ability to: bear children without sonograms or other technologies; deeply connect with each other without the Internet, cell phones, etc; read weather patterns and the movement of the cosmos with our bare eyes; live relatively peaceful and harmonious lives without buying anything and more.  

Many of us today were born to parents and families that willingly gave their power away in the name of the almighty dollar.  They forgot to dream and follow their own shooting stars and, instead, relied upon what they were told to do.  "Get a job.  Get married.  Have kids."  In other words, buy, buy, buy until you go bye bye bye.

Encased within a hard shell of empty promises, these orphaned "adults" now wonder why we, their offspring, are filled with anger and dis-ease (i.e. alcoholism, co-dependency, cancer, etc).  Our planet, too, models these same ailments and sickness (drought, melting ice caps, the disappearance of 150-200 plant, insect, bird, and mammal species daily, etc. ) The thing is, however, our parents and their parents and their parents, never really grew up - they never decided to question for themselves if this way of beeing in the world was really making them happy or if, in fact, it was doing more harm than good.  They never drew that guardian, line-in-the-sand stance of "BASTA! NO MORE!"

We Are the Orphaned Children Reclaimed.  
We Sing the Song of Rememberance and we work, cooperatively and in sweet partnership, towards the full whole beeing health of ourselves and our dear planet.  

Go watch "Twelve Years a Slave" and feel our collective sickness deeply ~ this is the only way we can all transform this shit together!