LOVE, POWER & CONNECTION through Expression,Sensuality, Intimacy, Embodiment, Innocence, Joy, Metaphor, Story & Community
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Sheltering in Place (at Steve & Fiona's)
The BEST thing to have in Life is
Even though we were all scared and it was a mystery what Covid was bringing with us, Steve and Fiona were more than willing to have us live with them during this time of confusion.
I was still in shock, and I wasn't yet feeling. But I was really scared in staying with people that I was not 100% aligned with philosphically or politically. To assuage my fear, my egoic mind was running and jumping into a next relationship.
When the shit hits the fan, you want to be with your person. But my person had just died. (I even told your dad that I would prefer to be in Vilcabamba when 'the shit hits the fan.' "What are you talking about, Cara?" he would ask me. Your dad and I were aligned spiritually and emotionally, but not mentally. So he died right before the metaphorical shit hit the fan and I never go to say, "See?" [I told you so!])
You and Fiona definitely bumped heads. I have raised you to listen to your own body and, in the process, I honor your intelligence. You struggle when other adults treat you as though you are 'little' and need to be babied and lead more from a place of fear.
After two and a half months of sheltering in place in University City, I started becoming more frustrated with you - especially at bedtime when you would want to wrestle and I would want to roll over and go to sleep. I knew I needed to make a decision for my mental health and our emotional connection. Was I to rent a space locally, or to set out roadschooling in the RV that we bought off Uncle Todd?