Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Pain of Transformation

It has been said that change is turbulent.
The evidence to support this statement is plentiful.  
Consider the transformations that you have experienced in your brief lifetime – 
from the discomfort of your teeth growing in to the aching onslaught of puberty and hormones; 
from the anxiety of beginning anything anew to the distress of changing schools, jobs or homes; 
and from the agony of the loss of a physical ability to the uneasiness of an alteration to your external appearance.   
Now, consider the time period that we find ourselves in: 
extreme weather patterns are affecting global climate; 
major earthquakes are regularly shaking the ground below our feet; 
burst pipes from offshore drilling had oil free-flowing into the Gulf of Mexico, for months; 
fervent zealotry between neighboring countries has reached fevered pitches; 
and primal fear has people arguing and fighting over resources, dogma and the impending future.  What ever it is that is happening, we are all palpably feeling it. 

Transformation is here, it is now.
Can you - do you - feel it?  How is it manifesting itself in your life?
And, most importantly,

what seeds are you sowing now that will help remind you of your fully embodied nature when the going gets tough and the tough gets going?  After all, the ride has only just begun.  Regardless of what may or may not come however, the reality of life is that this is one, big, HUGE, cosmic soap opera - 
a lumbering crab may be minding its own business but that doesn’t stop a hungry seagull from swooping down and scooping it up in its bill.  Yes, life is dramatic and it can be painful suffering.  Sometimes, there is simply nothing we can do to avoid this pitfall.  What we can do though is to, at least, try and have something steady and centering that we can hold onto as well as keep coming back to, especially when the world below our feet is shaking, rattling and rolling.   
Rest assured, we’re going to need it.