Thursday, March 3, 2011

"In Between a Rock & a Hard Spot"

What an age-old cliche that is.
What does it mean, exactly ~ especially when one is learning about all of the amazing, healing properties of rocks?
I dunno...
I never know.
Even though, I pretend I do -  a lot.
My pretense, however, is not to be mistaken for inauthenticity.
For one of my truths is that
My Soul is Timeless AND
My Spirit is Ten Years Old.

Honestly, I move through the world in wide-eyed wonder,
trying everything on that I physically can while enthusiastically
(and, sometimes, obnoxiously, I am sure)
Speaking, Singing, Talking, Interacting, Breathing, Feeling and Experiencing
that I belong, I Am and I Do, that my BodyMind knows simultaneously everything and nothing
and that I Can Do It ALL.
Why Not? 
It feels good and I grew tired of holding myself back - in fact, I grew sick by censoring my
desire to simply express and Be.

For years, I always bristled at my mother's criticisms that I was "naive."
I couldn't receive her teaching me this because of how I perceived she wrapped it and presented it to me.  Now, I get it - I am quite oblivious to others' intentions.  Because I just want to revel in my place of innocence and joy.  I don't want to care whether or not you like me, whether or not you'll "take my ideas," or whether or not you'll misconstrue my intentions.  Which does happen a lot - more than I like because in my exuberance and "Just Do It" philosophy, I make lots of mistakes.  I hurt others, although I don't intend to, and I get hurt.  Ouch.  It's painful.  Yet, isn't this par for course?  
Can we really live our lives without the pain of turbulence and the discomfort of turmoil?  
No, we can't.  
And we can no longer afford to believe otherwise, for this an illusion not grounded in reality.  

Mountains form by continental plates shifting and coliding.  For millennium, they have made a slow, steady march towards each other.  Eventually, when the timing and circumstance is just as it should be, they began to press into one another, to push and push and pushpushpush.
Friction builds and heat ensues.
Violent transformation takes place. 
After the shock of initial eruption wears off and once the Earth has stopped shaking we look
and see:
rivers, canyons and ravines; creeks, hillsides and forests; prairie, plateau and deserts.
We experience the air that we breathe, rushing in, filling our lungs. 
An illuminated orb rises over this eastern horizon and it also mimics this same action - nuclear fusion, it is called.
All One.
And all a consequence of natural movement, arrhythmic harmony and vibrational frequency rubbing up against each other..
timeless, eternal, present, now.  Here.