Sunday, January 22, 2012

Celebrating One Year of the Prosperity Hive

YES!  We Are Here.  We Are Now.  We Are San Diego!
It's been a time of grand successes and big failures, too (they are coming hand-in-hand these days, which has everything to do with my own actions and how their ripple affect is immediately applied to my life).  As a member of the bird clan, I can sometimes have my head too often caught up above the clouds.  Soaring about the minutia of life, I savor the extensive vista as the wind breaks on my beak.  The view is phenomenal and I can spy the tiniest of motion from afar.  However, I can also forget about the small details, and the little baby steps, that are necessary in true movement forward.  Case in point: I never envisioned that having a space to do my work out of was integral to my path.  Thank God for Shakti!  She came along and asserted just that (though, without meaning to.)  Hence it is how the Prosperity Hive came into Bee-ing.  Of course, the metaphor is all mine.  And, I've been discovering along the way, just what my work is - it's far more expansive than even I imagined. 

And so it has been one year in downtown San Diego, providing a gathering space where people from all walks of life & ideology can come together to Sing their Heart Songs and to re-member how to just Bee Free.  WOW!  Thank Goddess in every moment for such a divine blessing!  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  I receive.  And, it's work too - maintaining sacred space requires a lot of energy and motion.  I am also still learning how to be SUSTAINABLE - because, if you recall, I officially announced that I am holding myself up as a model of unsustainability.  It's why I talk about it so much.  Yes, I'm faking it until I make it.  Why not?  (Join me.)
Todo Mundo also played at our first business launch party on 01/15/11