Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Independence Day 2011

"Hmmm..." I thought to myself, after departing a community-filled event of live music held at a pocket park in Leucadia where children ran around and parents sat enjoying a late summer sun.
"I have three options," I ruminated, as I warmed my chilled body by finally peeling myself out of my wet swimsuit.
"I could either:
A.)  Go to that party where I'll bee celebrating a past with no future;
B.)  Go home, pick up the latest version of crack that I've been reading (the Shades of Grey series)
and, thereby, do what I have always done (which is to choose the safe route);
or C.) Take a risk and text him to see if he'd enjoy my company."

It's always an option.
Which do you choose?

Tomorrow, we celebrate our Independence once more.
Most of the time, the 4th of July simply leaves me questioning how we can possibly know what freedom is when we've been brought up to believe that it's neon-lit grocery store aisles, over-the-top consumption and fireworks. 

Nonetheless, I've been preparing ahead by building towards my own independence
and I plan on returning to visit my senior citizen friends for their annual concert series. 
Spending time with our elders in music, movement & meaning is certainly one way that I access FREEdom.

And, so is choosing what's REAL over what's popular.

So, most of the time, I like to think that I can reflect on the past as a means with which to move forward while envisioning a future that I whole-heartedly beelieve in.
Perhaps then, one day, I'll end up right here, right now.
(Write here, write now?)
Who knows?
Only time shall tell.