Monday, October 15, 2012


"Just wait," you say. 
Teasing me with your promises
as you fly away, 3,000 miles east. 
My body tingles in anticipation.  My pulse quickens, my mind dances...
Yet Grandfather Turtle has always guided my way, so I flow with the slow speed of this journey.
The release we collectively dreamed of will come,
it's simply a matter of time.  Trust is letting go of any
expectations for how it arrives.  Life has taught me this much.

"Just wait," I say, quietly and under my breath for no one
but myself to hear.  My blood primed, my breath deep.
My heart bursting, ready to break on through to the other side.
Still, I hold back, like a cat in the shadows, a feline camouflaged in the grass.
My gaze set on my target.  I am as relentless as your rat.
And patience is my virtue.