Here us ROAR.
It's what we've been saying all along ~
that this energy source, this direct current of POWER from within, is exactly the same as the sun's light and the lion's roar. All One.
And, we are each ALONE with our own inner knowing
that we are God and Goddess incarnate, walking along a planet Earth now, capable of creation, birth and new beginnings.
We are designed to build new worlds.
What Universe are you crafting?
Four girls and two adults, we headed east yesterday, up to the mountains that, in a lot of ways, raised and reared me. Cuyamaca is a divine hOMe where Oak scented breezes meet Pine Forests. The girls dove and jumped into the frigid falls as I scrambled up rocks as well as downstream, gathering plastic bottles and other trash that humans have errantly left beehind. In the all too recent past,
I've strolled along beaches with loved Ones who found judging the antics of others - such as leaving junk strewn about - easy, yet the simple solution of bending down and tending to what must bee done somehow goes undone. I am exhausted, yes, and I desire nothing more than to ACT, to DO and to OFFER SOLUTIONS.
On our way out, my hands loaded with bags of trash, I slipped on the slick rock and slid face-first into a small pool. Ooops!
And, how fun it is to bee human - to bump up against and slide into; to get hurt and fall down; to get back up and keep on going. I wouldn't trade nothing for this journey, even as I just bee with the unknown and the uncertainty of what is to come. My monkey mind keeps on churning, yet it's all just blither blather - there is no emotional traction for all of these thoughts that just keep on turning. Today, I have harnessed the discipline to
LET IT BEE. No fighting against the tide ~ going with the flow. Allowing what is. Working with it,while willing to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty.
Astrological Notes by Patricia Liles (taken from
New Moon
Sun and Moon in Leo ~ 14º
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 3:51 PM MDT
(9:51 PM Greenwich Mean Time)
With the Sun and Moon in Leo, 'Let Your Love Light Shine!' Leo gets its regal qualities from its ruler, the majestic Sun that sits at the center of our solar system. Revolving around the Sun, we receive our light, heat and energy from the source of all power just as the heart is the center of our bodies and is the gift giver of our essence. Now is the time to give your gifts of the heart, let them be seen, give your joy!
In other ages, the Sun traveled through the constellation Leo in these high summer months, and the sign took on the leonine qualities of supremacy, strength and full vitality. Here we have the development of the inner Will, determination, courage in combination with the heart to become more than our ordinary selves and achieve the nearly impossible. Leo is known for the ability to engage his bestial, animal instincts without the limitations of the reasoning mind. Great creativity is accessible through the heart when connected with our source. With Sun as royal ruler of this sign, we have the king, the leader; Leo is territorial, commanding the center/heart of their domain.
Treated well, respected, Leo shines, is generous, inclusive with the enthusiasm and flair of its burning fire element. The Sun gives 'the king of beasts' confidence, stamina and great vitality. But when slighted, disrespected or perceiving another as aggressing or invading personal territory, you may experience a swift, intense, instinctual and intuitive response that means to annihilate the source of the problem.
What we love about our Leo qualities (and we all have them expressed somewhere in our charts) are the full-bodied passion and love of the dramatic, trustworthiness, pride, decisive will and disciplined nature. This sign tends to be bold, sees the 'big picture', wants appreciation, will take on too much and doesn't mind the lime light. Leave the details and day-to-day affairs to the organized, efficient neighboring sign, Virgo. If you want to feel that warmhearted energy radiated in your direction, give Leo en(courage)ment and an outlet for their self expression and creative abilities.
At this New Moon, we still have strong influences from the outer planets operating. It's difficult to determine which will be the strongest influence. It's more about which frequency you focus your attention on, embody and draw to you. (Watch your spiritual hygiene here). A Grand Trine in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) is still operative, so you might be tuned into the intensification of your feeling nature experiencing the tidal ebb and flow between elation and doubt. Or maybe your frequency is more attuned to the on-going square of Pluto and Uranus that was stimulated last week by fast-moving Mars in Cancer, but now at New Moon and beyond is being hugely activated by Jupiter opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus.
August 7 is the first of three exact Jupiter oppositions to Pluto (also Jan 31 and April 20, 2014). Jupiter governs our core beliefs and desire to expand to new horizons, so we have already seen some of the outer manifestations in the news of what this activation can bring (demonstrations in Turkey, Egypt, Trayvon Martin, etc.) Maybe more personally it looks like someone unexpectedly leaving at your job creating momentary chaos (Uranus) but opening up an opportunity (Jupiter) for transformation (Pluto) of your entire project in a way you had never thought possible (Grand Trine through Jupiter) and creating exalted ways to work cooperatively. Or maybe it looks more like the woman in New York City Chinatown who sets off 21 bug bombs in her apartment and causes an explosion that collapses her building and injures 14 people*. You just can't know how these forces might manifest out there in the world!
Saturn is helping to stabilize this explosive, chaotic, transformative period by sextiling and being in mutual reception with Pluto. Saturn in Scorpio is helping us to stand in the face of the dark side of resistance to change that we experience all around us in governments, old competitive business practices, laws, and the voices in our own heads holding us back from a higher frequency, heart-centered existence. Don't match this resistance; it only feeds it. Just as you don't feed the tantrum of a two year old with attention, don't waste your energy in being in outrage to the old polarized, self-centered energies of the past. That energy is dying off. It's a huge change and an unbelievably powerful transformation we are now passing through related to the late 60's conjunction to Pluto and Uranus and the issues that surfaced then are again on the table – war, civil rights, feminism, environmental awareness....
Use this New Moon energy with Vesta (our inner sacred flame) exactly conjunct the Sun and the Moon and opposing Juno (committed relationship) to heed the voice within for time alone to hear your inner muses and at the same time, find the balance to tend your outer relationships that provide you with a manifestation of all that you love and value.
Leo's Moon is a time of high creativity and self expression from the heart. Celebrate and radiate your power and love as if you are the Sun itself!