Wednesday, August 14, 2013

six: (wish) Fulfillment

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So, we drive north with me beehind the wheel of her loud, white Bronco
and her draped in a sexy, pink pastel dress, a hand-me-down recently gifted to this hOMe ~
a magical container that supports and reveres the wild feminine. 

At our Encinitas dance studio, I sashay over to our community altar and pull a Ta'rot card - 9 of Cups, "Giving and Receiving."  "Give away all you have," it reads, "bee in flow with Universal abundance."  I chortle and leap away and into the arms of one of my favorite dance partners, in the process releasing the need for anyone else to experience where my dance has evolved to.  "This is it!" I feel, "and it's perfect." 

L. inquires as to where I am staying these days.  "With my Soul Family," I cheer in response, "in a divine space where our wild ways are allowed to just bee - where a 5-year-old's burps resonate, a gaggle of girls' farts waft, and booties and boobies get shaken and grabbed and there is no shaming, blaming or guilt."  Life with O. isn't just natural, it's been set in motion by a power far greater than us, as synchronicity keeps our galaxies in orbit around one another. 

While sitting at my park on Saturday and visiting with another femme fatale, O. drove around the circular path.  I just threw my arms up and surrendered to the Universe's wishes.  This week, she shared with me a feeling she holds about herself, "I am an element [of nature]."  The first time she said it, I simply agreed and nodded like a fool.  "YES!  You are," I responded.  The second time she said it, I had to tell her that just this past Sunday our Wizard had accused me of beeing the same.  "You're an element, Cara," he said.  "I am space dust," I replied.  "I didn't tell you this the first time you said it," I told her, "because I didn't want to make your story about me."  The thing is ~ this story is about US.  She knows this too, as I find my blog's window open on her smart phone.

We have each struggled with the culture of conditioning that has reared us to beelieve that we are crazy and lacking value.  Coming into alignment, we are re-discovering just how fulfilling and fulfilled our lives, right now, are.  "We don't have to go anywhere," we both agree.  "Not to Burning Man, or Whole Being Weekend, or ShaktiFest or other festivals.  Not on travels to exotic locales or trips to foreign destinations.  Right here, in the backyard, in a single strawberry stem, is all we need."  Meanwhile, abundance is showing up at the front door where bags of clothes, organic cupcakes, boxes of food and new life arrive without our having to do anything, or go anywhere.  Imagine that?

After writing my piece about the Desecration of the Wild Feminine, I realized that, if I really want to dream our collective Wild Masculine back into beeing, then I need to write him a prayer.  Soul Sister M. affirmed this on Saturday when we met in the park.  Thus, later that day, I wrote "him" a LOVE letter in my journal.  However, in the process, I recognized that like Miyazaki's protagonists, all of whom must move through the shedding process of releasing the past and what doesn't serve in order to invite in one's soul family, purpose and destiny, I also crave a man who is pure of heart - an embodiment of the marriage of our animal, wild nature with our divine, spiritual essence within. 

I finally dropped into some REM last night, and there "you" were.  In my dream, I was walking down neon-lit grocery store aisles while buying boxed food for a house that sits next to my old place in Clairemont.  I guess I was moving in there.  Children played a role in this dream, as did my ex who represents the wild masculine to me and "you" were there, too.  What do you represent to me - aside from vampiric energy?  Perhaps, it has to do with my discovery of crafting meaning from adversity as well as more clarity around my Spiritual path. 

There was also an element in my dream in which a professional was called in for setting mouse traps around a house.  Then, this morning, O. says, "We will have to set traps," for the little, black mouse that ran in through the sliding glass door the other day, and I am like, "OF COURSE WE DO."