Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The Desecration of the Wild Feminine

There's this trend, if you haven't noticed - a counter-cultural beelief that if we simply and solely focus only on the "positive," then all that doesn't serve our highest good will just naturally fall away and this rise in 'global consciousness' that we all purport to bee seeking will bee made manifest.  It's "Heaven on Earth," right?

The thing is, we've simultaneously bought into - hook, line and sinker - the technology that is fast-forwarding US into a sterile and robotic reality where it is hard to tell machines from humans and a desecrated planet smolders.  Yet, we buy, beg, borrow and steal, "Get me that iPhone!" we clamor.  Meanwhile, corporations have become beeings and they're monitoring our "information." 

"It's fine," I hear you say, "it makes me feel safe - the body scans and the Amber Alerts, the Travel Warnings and the NSA, are all for our 'protection.'I  also read today that record numbers of convicted sex offenders are being released on parole from California state prisons because of over-crowding and dwindling state cash.  Still,  those with the stench of MaryJane on their hands sit and wait.  Does this make you feel safe, too? 

Any which way we cut it, slice it or dice it, when there isn't enough nourishing food and clean water to go around, then even your neighbors beecome terrorists, suspect of taking your's and your family's basic neccessities.  You can't eat that plastic, dangling carrot of an iPhone, my friend.  Now, chew on that.

"Gotta have It!" we cry, as we chase after the fame and the glory, the money and the materials.  Look around you, friend.  Pay attention.  Wake up.  There is no intrinsic worth in any of this if we are not, first and foremost, valuing Source.  All we need we are given - its called air and water, fire and earth.  It's in the elements and it comes to US free of charge.  

We love "IT" so much that we clear cut it, haul it away, suck it up, transform it into 'raw materials' and still, somehow, beelieve that is has no value.  The Amazon and the Arctic Ice Caps, the Polar Bears and the HoneyBees.  All here, doing what they need to do but they matter little because "they don't make any money."  (Kind of like Me.)  Thus, they have no voice and are treated with violent disregard.   Uprooted, forced from their homes, killed, pillaged, disappearing and dying.  The Wild Feminine is Beeing Desecrated.

And, what of the Wild Masculine?  Well, he's been a dying breed for far too long now.  Chased off from the land of plenty, forced to assimilate to a way that he knows in his heart of hearts is not his truth, he is absent.  Distracted.  Discouraged.  Missing in Action.  Asleep.  

Hopefully, someday really soon (LIKE NOW, PLEASE!!!), he will awake.  And, re-member that we need his PROTECTION AND DEFENSE.  Without him, there is no conscious future of our Divinity dancing in these human forms on this planet Earth.  There is no tumbling grace of our human fraility with our God like mythologies, round and round and round again. There's only this - destruction and death, falseness and pretense.  There's no life - merely smoldering ashes and a tale of what once was.  (Please wake up.  I am begging you....because I am dying.)