Monday, August 12, 2013

enlightenment, page by page.

I've been missing in action.
(If you haven't noticed.)
And, as I return to this blogsphere,
I notice someone is here,
ME -
or, at least, some words I once typed,
that come from the past, present and future,
and that are our collective experience.
However, this ME "I" speak of, is merely a human
beeing having a Spiritual experience.  ; )
[Nonetheless, thank you for your reading - especially the posts "you" chose. 
"John," "Bite is a Four-Letter Word," and "Now You Know Why I Write About LOVE," are all super power~full, beeutyfull & LOVE filled.  "Your" reading these offers "me" an opportunity to glimpse my writing from "new" and/or another's eyes.  I 'like' what I see ~ I see my worth.  I taste my value. I like "ME."] 
Anyways, I've been away from virtual land because
I needed to check in with myself.

1.) Why do I write here, on this public forum? 

Lately, I've been feeling a 'responsibility' to and for some perceived 'audience.'  Yet, the only person I am responsible to and for is "ME." 
(Which is "You," as evidenced above, & thus setsthis whole paradoxical, never-ending, cyclical conversation/dance back in motion, over and over again.)
{By the way, after living with chickens for the past year and actively tending to their daily well-being, I now beelieve that the chicken came first. ;)  }

{{Wait!!!!!!  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"I"
take that back.

It's a DANCE - the ever-evolving form tumbling in, around and without the shell/seed/container it develops within and from.

Masculine & Feminine.
Dark and Light.
Black and White.
(Life Lived on Planet Earth.)

Why do I have to bee a philosopher?
Why can't I bee like everyone else....

and talk about people,
not ideas?)