Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On Embodiment

The Time is NOW, SD Summer 2011

(Quick preface: Yes, it's summer and life is Buzzing.  Hence, I've been a bit distracted from posting to this here blog.  Please forgive my absence and know that I have been in-joying.  I hope you have, too.)

I was first introduced to the concept of embodiment as a naïve nineteen-year-old.  Having escaped the sugary bubble of my southern California upbringing, I ran away to a state college located in the northern terrain above the San Francisco Bay Area.  After spending my first year wallowing in the insecurity of dorm life, I was eager to re-channel all of my pent-up and repressed energy and e-motion.  Returning to the performing arts - to dance and the stage - was exactly the outlet that my wilting spirit needed.  Embraced by a feminine troop of sophisticated and progressive women, I was, reluctantly, taken under their expansive wings.  These wise others helped to open up within me the great well of pure sensuality that resides in every Being as they assisted in the unlocking of some of my stagnant and conservative views regarding the body by introducing me to the basic, primal necessity of human touch.   They were my role models and mentors and I lapped up every second spent in their company like a thirsty dog at a bowl of cool water. 

I recall one day when one of them - the most eccentric and flamboyant of the bunch - shared with me that "life isn't about performing."  "Rather," she said, "it was about embodying the essence of what one can tap into and share on the stage in as many moments in life as are humanly possible."  And I realized that - up and until then - there had always been this split within me of what I felt I could express in my everyday life and what I felt I could more widely access and communicate when I was emoting in performance.  Back in 1995, I intuited her sage advice but I was nowhere near being able to embody such wisdom.  It has taken me over fifteen years to be here, now, in a place where I feel less fear in my day-to-day life and more holistically equipped to move with as much grace and ease as is humanly possible in most moments of my everyday.

This is, ultimately, what I endeavor to now teach and share.  I try to model this way of Be-ing as I move through the world - although I am human and I make plenty of mistakes.  Every Wednesday, I offer tips, tools and resources for you to be able to do the same.  A small tribe of us meet weekly, beginning at 8pm here in the Prosperity Hive.  JOIN US!