Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bee-ing the Dream

What do you dream?
What visions have danced before your eyes since you were a child?
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Have you lived these dreams?  Are you living them now?  

More than likely, you're not.  Not because you don't deserve to or that you are somehow unworthy, but because your dreams have been bred out of you.  More than likely, you've been conditioned to think that those silly dreams were simply made-up of illogical and idealistic fantasies.  This is what the adults want US to believe.  Adults are dream-robbers and as each of US grows into this horrific role, we steal the beautiful visions right out of one another's hands.  Either slapping them way, or laughing maniacally at their "ridiculousness" until our collective mania - of running from our Selves and hiding from our own beautiful destiny - has become a complacent and apathetic "normal." 

Personally, this is why I've found intimacy to be one of my best guides.  An up close and personal look right into my own heart has, time and again, provided me with the deep, "Wake up!" electro-magnetic shock that my pulse has needed for a jump start to re-member.  To reclaim the dreams that still seep through my subconscious, that still seek to be made manifest in the cellular core of my very being.  

A few years ago, I came to a place where I knew I had to take bold steps forward in my professional life because, if I didn't, I knew that I'd never be content.  My contentment has little to do with how well I succeed and everything to do with how well I can be in relationship with Others.  It also has everything to do with knowing that I gave myself the 100% fighting chance to live my dreams.  If I fail from here, then at least I know I tried.  At some point, I recognized that if I wanted to be free in deep intimacy then I needed to try and be free as me in the world.

More recently, I have become increasingly aware of those who are chasing dreams and those who are bee-ing the dream.  Dream chasers tend to be unclear as to why they are here and for what their purpose is.  The only way to discover these answers is to slow down, listen, ask questions and receive all forms of feedback - including the signs of synchronicity.  However, dream chasers often feel frustrated by their own lack of patience and fortitude in the process.  They've forgotten how to cultivate the space for sitting in the discomfort of not knowing.  Dream chasers run after that which is elusive - like money or attention.  They seek outside approval and are easily influenced by the ideas of those who represent "success."  Dreams chasers want so much to live their dream but they're so ruled by fear that they do not allow themselves to experience the turbulence between chasing the dream and being the dream. 

Without the turbulence of change, however, TRANSFORMATION cannot take place.

Dreamers are the ones who show up on your doorstep with the red rose.  They're the ones baking the cakes in the kitchen and building towards another beautiful tomorrow.  Dreamers are walking along the seaside now, tossing wishes like seashells into a churning tide.  They are the ones who smile at you for no apparent reason.  Dreamers will use any tool at their ready to try and communicate their visions.  They will attempt to enroll your help, time after time again.  Dreamers will sing out of key and drum off beat.  Dreamers will fall down and pick themselves up again.  The dreamers are where you want to invest your energy, time and resources. 

Take a long, look around you.  Identify where you stand in this life.  
It's never to late to remember those initial seed dreams of your youth.  It's never to late to Be a Dreamer once more.

And, if you recognize yourself as a Dream Chaser, then sit in this - damn it.
Feel it.  Feel the sadness of not knowing for why you are here or for what your purpose is.  At the very least, honor yourself to be deeply honest with where you are now.  It's okay to feel confused and unclear.  This is natural.  Pretending otherwise is just a false mask that most of US can see right through anyways.  Be brave.  Have heart.  Take your mask off.  You don't need it any longer.  You have US.  You are US.  A Dreamer - through and through to your very essence.  All you have to do is BELIEVE.