Tuesday, November 27, 2012


After posting a piece that there are no "random" occurrences in this life,
I receive a litany of a stalker's madness.  It's a first in my short life and it's fucking weird!
I don't recommend it and, yes, I have been checking in with myself.  "Where is this energy coming from?" I keep asking.  "What have I put out into the Universe to have this come back?"  Even a neighbor/friend/community member has intuited this energy.  I walk by his house a lot because 1.) I am a walker and 2.) he lives only houses down from me.  This week, he sent me a "random" text jokingly asking if I was 'stalking' him.  God, NO!


The stalking of this blog, along with a 'random' facebook email, came in full force last week.
Though, this has been an on-going event for months now - an unhappy someone has been leaving unsavory replies to this here writing.  For too long, I've allowed this behavior by either attempting to transmute the poison into sweetness or by simply ignoring it.  Now, I can't do either because none of those options apparently work.  I've taken measures, such as denoting the stalker's comments as "spam" and, now, you can no longer leave your comments after my posts.

My intuition is telling me that I know who this person is and as to why this person is projecting their pent-up frustration in this direction.  Yes, I know who you are - I see you.  I am sorry that you are hurting.  I have reached out to my strongest of divine warrior brothers for their protection and I will continue to do so.  Yo, Stalker - we have our eyes on you.  Of course, today's litany was so "random" and, surely, this is all just "coincidence."  Ha!  Yeah right.  My anonymous, virtual "stalker" is loudly screaming at me for a very specific reason.  The question now is "what is my lesson here?"  To press through the labyrinth of my own fears by placing a psychologically threatening barrier in my way?  Okay.  I accept.  Challenge is over. 

I won't stop writing.  (Or dancing, or singing, or living, or loving.) I may stop being - because death is part of life.  But, nothing you do or say or feel will change my flow.  I am committed.  I am here.  I am present.  And, I am not going anywhere.  So, take your stalkin' and keep on walkin.'