Sunday, November 4, 2012


"Turbulence is here," reads the astrological forecast for this month.
Given the underwater state of the North East, it's a fairly accurate guess for this month of
"YES-vember."  (As my girl, Kali Love, recently called it in a Facebook posting.)

As Kali is saying, this month is all about being with what is, allowing it and choosing to respond from a place of "Yes, and..." instead of from our small, ego voices of defenses, negative charges, scarcity and mentality thinking & more.

Because - in the end - our responses to our world around us are, truly, the only thing we have any affect (i.e. "control") over.

Yes, life can, does and will sometimes SUCK.
So, what?  
(get over it.)
Yes, a lot of the time your personal needs and expectations will not be met. 
(deal with it.)
Best yet, let's all learn to celebrate this, too - because it is the very nature of life lived on planet Earth as human-animals and as Spiritual beings simply having a human experience.