Friday, May 25, 2012



I began this blog in 2007 as a tortured soul who was perpetuating her own self-imposed suffering.
It wasn't intentional - the trenches of avoidance and the moat of fear created a fortress of repressed e~motion around my heart.  My finally allowing LOVE in broke my castle open and so began my great undoing.... 

Initially, posting my writing here was a way of "proving" to myself (as well as others) that I did have something to show for my alternative graduate school journey.  Nonetheless, after two years of off and on random postings, my graduate school adviser had to continually advise me to "Write, just write, Cara," Laiwan would say.  (Thanks, L!)  In 2009, this was still a burdensome task - my heart was heavy, my mind a mess and my Spirit just beginning to rise. 

It was almost three summers ago that I graduated (after four tumultuous years - even though the program was designed to take 2.5 years!  As one of my peers shared, "It's the most expensive therapy you'll ever give yourself."  Thanks, Roxanne!), left my relationship with M (gracias, mi amigo), and committed to ME and my hero's journey.  (Thank you, Paolo Coelho, for the notion!) 

Three years, a lifetime ago and, now, I appreciate the space that this platform provides.  Most of all I appreciate the others who have shared how this blog, and my words, have reached them, have moved some thing inside of them, and have touched a human chord of empathy, compassion or forgiveness.  I am so grateful for YOU and for your inquiring eye.  Yes, we are simply reflections of each other AND there is something about your YOU, about your difference from me, your makeup, your biology, that makes this life worth living and, perhaps, this virtual meeting place worth keeping.   

Summer 2012 is almost here and so too my full embodiment.  Three years ago, I committed to the path of our highest good and I did so in some sacrifice.  I left behind two others who mean the world to me.  My intention and hope has always been to one day be reunited in intimate living space.  That day is almost here.  Until I fully own my Power...  may you too sink deeper into the peace that is you and the love that you are.