Wednesday, December 11, 2013

radical balance, too

I've been missing you.
It's true.
When I don't post here, I feel the lack of our interaction ~ even though I don't "know" who is reading this, or where. 
I've wanted to encapsulate the brilliance of this now - yet, in reality, words fall short of the embodied truth of experience.  Perhaps, what I wish most is that YOU are also experiencing a vibrant LIFE right along with me.

Tonight, I burst out into tears while strolling along a cold coastline with my partner.  Along with an amazing weekend that included time spent in the dance studio (aka hOMe) giving "Peace a Dance," moments spent sowing the magic of non-rational sound and movement with a group of 75 people all dropped into One mind during a phenomenal Ecstatic Dance session, LOVE, sex, work, walking, writing, and bee-ing, I've also experienced constricted dances with reactions from a fear-based place of scarcity. 

It hurts to bee on the receiving end of the judgment that is inherent in this place.  So, I cried, "Damn it!  I wish I could just bee like everyone else and project and blame and gossip."  (Not really.  But, I allow my inner child to stomp her feet every once in awhile.)  My partner, he just laughed, "I didn't know it affected you, Cara," he said.  "You're just so damn high-functioning."  "I'm human," I reminded him, "of course I feel it all."  And, then, I mourned for how I wish we could all just vibrate in this place where we're not projecting or judging, we're not blaming or wasting our precious energy on pointing fingers and talking about others.  Rather, we're taking full responsibility for all of it.  We're keeping our vision focused on our highest intentions for the good of all, including ourselves and this planet.  

On Sunday night, I took this BodyMind of mine on a stroll when my inner parent told my inner child to just "stay your course and keep on beeing YOU."  In that exact moment, I looked up at the night sky and a huge meteor burst into flame in the Earth's atmosphere and fell, with a brightly-lit illuminated tail beehind it, for a good forty to forty-five seconds.  WOW!   The Geminid Meteor Shower is in full effect and is on 'till Friday ~ so get out under that night sky and count your shooting stars~!

And I remembered this time last year, when you and I strolled through that Golden Hill Park and I counted eight ~ 8 ~ Shooting Stars as I laughed and chortled in glee.  The year that has followed has been illuminating, to say the least.  And, as a result, that number (8) defines this space of SOLID LIGHTNESS (or light solidity ; ) that I find myself evolving more and more into ~ RADICAL BALANCE.