Saturday, December 25, 2010

~~~~~~~THIS IS FOR YOU/(me)!!!!~~~~~~~

open closed
trying to connect
desiring intimacy
needing so badly
to be held, and supported
to be loved.

yes, this is ALL of our stories.

sometimes we are sooooooo stuck w/in our stories - of fat/thin/he said/she said/not enough/too much/they did this/i want that/ugly/sexy/unloved/abused/mistreated/etc - that we refuse to
get out of our own way.
therefore, We CHOOSE NOT TO SEE that others around us have their stories too!

My story
Flinging my body through time and space is the way in which i best express mySelf. It has always been a way out for, and of, me; a way out of how trapped i
can feel within this skin and bone, this muscle and memory. Dance and movement are when i can try and really let my guard - these walls of defenses and fortresses of hurt - down, at least long enough so that i can attempt to authentically communicate with others. As a developing human, i have been slow to come into verbal communication as a comfortable means of human-to-human contact. So, i dance to connect w/ both mySelf and others, which deepens my dance with mySelf, which deepens my dance with these others/my community,
and the cycle goes, on and on.

Thus, when you refuse to at least try and meet me - on a dance floor, in the streets, while walking the dog, (because of whatever self-limiting & preconceived notions you attempt to espouse - of which i simply do not have the patience to stand around and listen to; excuses serve no one), i feel - your refusal. your denial. your unwillingness. yet, you ask me to come into your space - in community, at your home, etc - and i feel expected to try and meet you, in the middle, there.
Do you see the contradiction?
And, perhaps, more of why some of us may struggle to "meet" you?
(Meeting is movement in each direction, movement on both sides...)

So, you come out and dance(live/work/love/cry)
for you.
Great. That's awesome.
Big hand for you.
Big man gets out there and dances.
Woot woot.
How about, instead,
you come out and dance
for us?
Maybe then, you will begin to feel and learn more about this thing we call "CommUnity?"
And, then, you can really speak from an honest, heart-centered place of unfolding, softening, willingness, with a desire to compromise.

It's just a thought...

("You're sooo vain, you probably think this blogspot is about you."
--a 21st century carly simon)