Tuesday, April 17, 2012

B O D Y mind

It's a gift - this now - in all the ways that it shows up.  On Sunday, while spending time in beloved community in Encinitas, a relatively new friend shared with me her experience of our first meeting.  She's a gorgeous, southern California yoga teacher who exudes positivity and she said to me, "You placed your hand on my belly and you said, "Love this belly!""

She explained how meaningful this was for her because of the guilt and shame that she, too, carries around about her body image.  You can imagine my exasperation at seeing this beautiful reflection of light and love feeling less than because she thinks she is not the image of a pin-thin, straight illusion of two-dimensional beauty.  I'm so tired of this story, for all of us.  Now is the time that we shift this narrative - because it serves no one.

Three weeks ago, my mind was churning similar silly notions about the fat and curves that my body can take on.  I rarely give voice to this, but I feel most vulnerable about my legs.  Naturally, the Universe struck me down - that same day - in order to teach me perspective.  By day's end, I was looking at two very different legs below me - side by side, my right leg displayed my natural balance of strength and softness as the other lacked a defined knee cap and looked like it belonged on the body of an obese person.  "Thank you, God!  I receive." 

For almost a week, I sat in a bed - not moving very far except for when I finally graduated from using a bedpan to using the bedside commode.  The following week after that, I pulled myself around, I crawled and I crutched.  I also read an article in Parade Magazine about a young mother who was in a near-fatal airplane crash that left her body unrecognizably burned.  I cried tears of deep empathy because I've never known such trauma, nor do I wish to.  This three-week journey has been a walk in the park, and I'm grateful for every step.

So, how do we - as these divine leaders of the 21st century - craft a new tale that truly holds the reverence and regeneration of our Earth as its core value?  We begin with our bodies and what we think about them.  We no longer allow for a collective story that is steeped in abuse, delusion or imbalanced taking.  Instead, we weave the connection between the care and regard we have for our planet with the way we love and honor the feminine (as well as the masculine, as our men are not immune to the propaganda) form.  And, we carve out space for our voluptuous curves to remain exactly as they are.  There shall be no more detonating these hills and mounds, because we will recognize that our diamonds are only pure when they remain exactly where they belong - nestled sweetly in a warm, dank soil.