Friday, June 15, 2012


After weeks of agitation derived from too much time spent caught up in a seemingly inescapable web of media and mayhem, of fear and loathing, I flew back into the gentle arms of a harmonious Mother.  She was quick to acknowledge my return with her intuitive signs and markers illuminating my path once again, from the audible sounds of soul mates repeating the same phrase, "HOT MESS!" to the visual letters of "SHAKES THE EARTH" jumping out at me from an article in an architecture & design magazine in a strange office.  And, my breath elongates as trust settles back into my bones.

At home, I hang clothes on the clothesline, tend to the chicken feed, water the garden and revel in a live, improvisational music and dance jam with my talented housemate whom I have shared an unfolding dance of harmony with for millennium.  I AM HOME.  Basking in the glow of our shared moments of fluid time and space, I grab a book from the shelf that speaks of this moment now and "randomly" flip to a page (much like a Ta'rot card reader "randomly" turns over the cards).

From Hazrat Inayat Khan's "The Music of Life," I read in the chapter about Knowledge of Vibration & INSIGHT:

"There are souls who sometimes seem to be doing nothing; & a person thinks, "Yes, they are most spiritual people, I suppose. But what are they doing?" because what we know about doing is hustling & bustling & being busy all the time.  However unimportant, yet something must be done; that is the thought.  But when a person is evolved, even if outwardly he may not seem to be doing anything, he is doing, and he can do, much greater works inwardly than one can notice outwardly." 

I find what I don't know I am looking for, skimming the two pages silently to myself.  Then, I share with her a few passages.  "That book is from the house where I stayed before I came to stay with you in the Hive," SA says.  I chuckle, close the book, and say, "Of course it is!"
And, together, WE ARE HOME.