Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Watch Tanya Paluso and I discuss "Co-Creative Leadership" and listen to how we've been applying it to Tribal Truth - a leadership program in which women are co-creating the new paradigm of feminine collaboration.

Tribal Truth meets bi-monthly - our next gathering is July 19th, 6-9pm in the San Diego area. 

July's theme is INTIMACY & SENSUALITY.
(Two of my favorite things!)
(Below are some of Tanya's words about it... COME!)

"Are you in your body?

Or, are you in your head?

Do you have trouble connecting eye to eye with other people?

Are you present in your conversations or easily distracted by shiny objects in the background?

If you are someone who wants to be more confident in delivering your gifts to the world and just let it all flow effortlessly, then it is essential that you are present and in your body.

It is essential that you are open to receive.

It is essential that you allow others to see you.

This is intimacy.

Want more people to notice your gifts and services? It's directly linked to your ability to be intimate with others.

Want more money? It's directly linked to your ability to express your sensuality.

When you are in your body, people can feel you. You radiate. You shine. You are a magnet. You are irresistible.

This is your leadership.

This is why this month's topic is Intimacy and Sensuality. We want to see you turned on, sexy, alive, vibrant and open.

The world is waiting for you to expose yourself. That rawness, that vulnerability, it is so beautiful.

Come unleash yourself at Tribal Truth this month in the safety, love and support of the tribe."

RSVP here: http://www.tribal-truth.com/sd