Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Yes, I am totally and completely biased.
Almost always, my bias leans in the direction of ME.
I bee~lieve that I am brilliant - 
without apology, shame or guilt.
However, my EGO gets in my way with this statement,  
way too often.
Because, really, I'm not special or unique.
I'm just ME.  Kind of like you're just YOU.
And, there will always bee others who are "better," "worse," this or that.
We're all just hue-mans, doing this little shuffle from bee-ing to doing, day in and day out.

The times when I feel in my heart the truth of my brilliance is when the lights are not focused on me.  When I am sitting down, a sweet face in the rocking sea of a crowd, fully receiving the gifts that others have to give while surrendering myself to the magic and mystery that each and every moment presents.  Acknowledging that the gift is in our sharing of this ride - this wonderful journey called life - together, in which there is no randomness, no chance or pure chaos.  As my new friend Matt helped to elucidate this past weekend, while he strummed on the guitar and I danced in the pink-hued living room at Las Raices Collectiva, "Chaos is just flow without a container."  And, what I was trying to point out in my last two blogposts is that, "Papa provides."  His container is grand and sweeping.  His devotion is, without a doubt, present and all-encompassing.  There is purpose to everything - all we have to do is adjust our gaze to this lens.

My brilliance shines brightest when I am completely open and present to this moment, now.  When I am available and offering my still mind and quiet Soul, this is when I can truly listen not just to you but for the grandest totality of your Spirit.  When I am innocent, pure and like that blank slate once more, awaiting the canvas to organically unfold and reveal yet another brilliant masterpiece.
So, yeah, I have a little BIAS, 
and I like myself this way.