Thursday, August 30, 2012

READ, iii

James' and Day's fairy tales also demonstrate the DIVINE DANCE of our GENDER ARCHETYPES: the MASCULINE laser-beam FOCUS of PURPOSE through which FREEDOM is discovered and achieved and the FEMININE FLOW of RELATIONSHIP through which LOVE is sustained and nurtured.  Anchoring this Spiritual Consciousness is a PRIMAL SEXUALITY that is Earth-based: two, highly attractive and charged members of opposite mating parts smell, sense, feel, see & hear an equal pro-creator in the act of CO-CREATION.  In other words, a potential mate for creating successful progeny, thus ensuring the survival of one's species.

However, both series, 50 & Crossfire, are horrifically stuck within the modernist era of Individualism and Isolationism.  Today's true protagonaist is not just a young woman out of college who is sexually liberated and pursuing her calling in life.  Rather, she is a woman on point - an Angelina Jolie whose commitment to planetary PEACE, LOVE & HARMONY is ferocious and unwavering.  And though she expects her man to be living his purpose while reaping the rewards that the Law of Attraction naturally begets, she commands that his attention and healing also be in alignment with the greater good of all, including this planet. 

James' & Day's antagonists are men who have not been forced to also transform their economic ways.  In today's 21st century world of modern tribalism, business as usual for a billion's sake is no longer an option.  And we, the western women of this world, will not settle for anything less.  No matter the pretty shoes, or the fancy dresses.  No needs for sparkling jewelry or some handsome knight in shining armor.  No way. 

So, men, bee on point.  Join us in our shared purpose and claim us in the process - for mind blowing, Earth shaking, life transforming sex.  Oh YES, we'll submit.  WE WANT TO SUBMIT.  It's simply up to you.