Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Have we really stopped to reflect on just exactly what balance is?
As adults, we've been taught to believe that it is surely something we want.
However, as young, impressionable people, we were raised in a world, a culture, perhaps even homes, that were dangerously teetering on a brink.  As a result, most of us carry a similar mis-alignment within these powerful containers known as our human bodies around with us as we navigate the terrain of our everyday lives. 
So then, how do we create the balance that we are all ultimately seeking and that we intuitively know is a way forward from here on out?  Hell if I know. 

(I Don't Know Anything.  I am simply following my path, opening my heart, doing my best to serve with humility.  I am trying to listen and respond, to stay connected to my body, my Self, my feelings and to others as well as the Earth.  Yes, I document my process but this does not mean that I am professing to "know" anything - no matter how passionate I become, how loud I raise my voice or how forceful I may feel.  And, this truth does not negate my other truth from my always knowing - especially given the Owl Medicine I carry with me.  You see, it is all simply a PARADOX.)

This morning, I arise - happy, warm, ready to greet the day and sit before my altar.  A fairly common occurrence, I am the master of my fate and the Captain of my ship for life is too short to dread facing any moment.  Soon, I sit down before two emails - one feels like stalking energy from the cuckoo chaos of another's imbalance after my cell phone spent the weekend absorbing the bombardment of his non-stop, accusatory texts (Ai!  Deep breaths out); the other is pure sweetness, a Sister's love poured through type on the screen encouraging me to keep on keeping on, reflecting me, reminding me, honoring me.  Nether bad nor good, they both just are - kind of like life on planet Earth.  Heavy and light; forceful and flowing; pushing and pulling; etc. 

The question then becomes how do I dance in the eye of the storm?  How do I stay still and centered amidst all of the chaotic turbulence as well as paved-with-gold sidewalks?  How do I equalize myself to my own internal rhythm and compass so that - no matter what comes, whether it be praise or rejection - I remain calm, collected, present, focused, humble and forward moving?  
I don't know.
I am simply willing to try and see.