Friday, December 14, 2012

DESTINY (it's written in the stars)

(Countdown 'till LOVE Reigns: 9 Days)

 I awoke groggy again this morning.  It is a strange and unusual sensation for this morning bird, and the news I have arisen to is ground-shaking.  A 6.3 earthquake reverberated 88 miles off of these southern shores at 2:30 this morning.  C. was here in Las Raices, feverishly typing out the plans for our next embodied evening of community & regenerative exchange as well as texting my phone with the news of all of this, as I lay in between waking and dream states upstairs.

For yesterday's New Moon, Las Raices hosted another evening of lovely intimacy for kindred Souls. Prior to this, I spent the late afternoon in the company of a dear sistar.  We sat together quietly, dreaming awake as well as Calling In Our Shared Destiny for 2013: LOVE, Harmony, Tribe, Flourishing in Village Together, Thriving in our Individual Passions, Brilliant Success and Nurturing, Regenerative Community. (Plus, Cara's King & babes ; )

I returned home to sit in a candlelit circle with men and women who each spoke into the joys and rewards of intentional community, while beautiful women lit up our communal kitchen with the pungent aromas of stuffed squash and other tasty morsels.  Together, we all sat eating, chatting, enjoying and then the music and harmony unfurled - melodies sung by a powerful brother, rhythms tapped out on a djembe, shakers shook, voices rising, LOVE glistening.   Later, R. joined me on a stroll to that park, where Grandmother sits, as I excitedly hooted and hollered at each of the 8 pieces of space rock bursting into flame overhead my eyes spied.  He just laughed at my innocence and joy. I don't need to know what any of it means.   I can keep my feet in motion below me, my heart happy and warm, and trusting that we're flowing forward, together - just as it was meant to bee. 

I also, however, awoke to the news that the 24-year-old best friend of Teal - a 24-year-old who died in August from a 'random' cardiac arrest (and whom I hadn't met but shared Tribal Truth sisterhood with) - just died in a similar fashion and that her family also had to move through the same agonizing procedure of removing their beloved daughter, sister and friend from life support.  I awoke to a Facebook posting by Teal's mother, Suzanne Barnes, speaking into this bizarre 'conincidence.'  I've been following Suzanne's wise words for months now, as she has been churning tragedy into nutritious GOLD by working through her grief and loss.

And,  all I know is that there is something much greater than these individual little I's here.  All I know is that we are here for a purpose ~ our Soul purpose.  And, what I know is that you and me, we were brought together for a reason.  Let's Grow Together into LOVE not to discover why or to rationalize and analyze the process but, rather, to LIVE OUR TRUE DESTINY. 

"This is the nature of our destiny.  It is something we create with each person we touch.  For our destiny is nothing more than the interweaving of lessons between lives.... Our children teach us.  As do our mothers, fathers, employees, bosses, teachers, lovers, and even the guy who flips us the bird in rush hour traffic.  These people all around us are our everyday Christ figures – those in whom we see ourselves reflected.  And so moment-by-moment, we have the opportunity to grow. 

...destiny is not to be messed with, basically.  It is a mysterious force unto itself that is not even to be understood or fully comprehended.  Doing so is insignificant.   Instead, destiny is to be accepted, and worked with, and felt into … and ultimately surrendered to.  That is all any of us can ever do in our limited mortal coils." --Suzanne Barnes