Sunday, November 10, 2013


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Last night, I once again offered movement medicine, of connection and expression, to a downtown San Diego crowd.  This time, it was a gathering of youthful activists dedicated to the creation of an all inclusive and diverse world that accepts beeing QUEER as simply part and parcel of beeing HUMAN.  This was the second, "We Are Here/Somos Aqui" event that the non-profit organization, Canvass for a Cause, put on this year as an offering for gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered people - or, just anyone who does not fit within the hetero-normative box that the mainstream fights to maintain - to bee offered a safe space to express themselves and their unique creativity, via song, dance, spoken word, and more.

I was invited back again to open up the evening with a beginning circle of name sharing and intention setting and then later on I once more had the crowd up, on its feet, moving and grooving, beeing engaged and not just entertained, beeing active and not just passive.  Although I love to perform - I've spent years on a stage and I am both comfortable and confident beeing in the spotlight - today's 21st century activist recognizes that our work lay, not in the limelight, but in encouraging and empowering every human beeing we come into contact with to reclaim their own internal power, to think for themselves with their heart leading the way, and to use their voices to speak up and their bodies to step forward. 

After my heart-felt offering, during which the assembled crowd felt warm, in touch with themselves and others and experienced a deeper sense of beelonging, I then took out my slim wallet and made a small financial donation to this grassroots, from the ground up organization.  There is nothing flashy about Canvas for a Cause - there's no popular leader whose sole focus is bringing in a quarter of a million dollars a year to fund his and his friend's forays into "activism."  Rather, it's just ordinary people, putting one foot in front of the other, and building towards the new consciousness - a sustainable and just world.  

For me, the experience last night was one of my embodying RADICAL BALANCE.

It is thought that the right side of the brain corresponds to the left side of the body, and vice versa, and that the left side of the body is considered to be Feminine and vice versa.

Right Brain ~ Left Side of Body (Feminine)

Left Brain ~ Right Side of Body (Masculine)

In yesterday's post, I wrote about the American male plight (as described by David Deida) of either all spine and no heart or all heart and no spine.  So, perhaps, our goal of RADICAL BALANCE IN THIS YEAR OF 2014, looks like: 

Balancing our healed Inner Masculine - an erect, yet pliable spine which asserts boundaries in the world with confident authority, coupled with an open and vulnerable heart that honors deep intimacy as the end goal of a happy, successful life - with our healed Inner Feminine - an expressive and connected body that flows juice in the world with innocent joy, coupled with a reflective and open mind that celebrates diversity as the essential ingredient of life on planet Earth.
