Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What FREE Costs

"What's in it for me?" 
We live in an era when this is a common refrain.
Nobody wants to give unless there is a price attached, a commerce exchanged.
And, yet, here WE are ~ embodying otherwise. 

Yesterday, I drove your Volvo - a second vehicle that, for now, sits less used in front of your house - back to you.  It was a quiet, fall morning as the boys gently enjoyed breakfast time before you drove them to school.  Baby girl was slow to get up and waddle out from her new, big girl bedroom.  While we waited for her to rise, you and I got caught up on each other's lives, in person. 

Parallel experiences, we expressed gratitude at the depth of intimacy that we are each experiencing.  Still, you shared, your inner child comes out to pout, "Why me? I don't deserve."  Fat teardrops fell from your eyes, "will it always bee like this?" you innocently inquired.  "Yes," I replied, "it is why we have had to work so diligently at learning how to re-parent ourselves.  We are doing this for them - the innocents we are raising - so that they may remain joyful, free and harmonious." 

A Dia de los Muertos altar in your living room, I inquired about one of the photographs that I have spent the year wondering who the man holding baby girl is.  Again, the tears welled up in your beautiful face as you remembered the best friend that you lost way too soon.  Your gut racked with sobbing, you surrendered to your grief - years of it stored in your lungs - this memory only an impetus.  

Rubbing your back and holding you, I made sure you felt my unwavering support and then, baby girl and me, we danced around the room to pop music.  Raising her arms to mine, she begged that I swing her, around and around and aroundShe, a milky white, unlike her brothers and father, a gift from the Universe, conceived after a raucous party three summers ago - a catalyzing event in the lives of the few who are aware.  (Are you aware?)  

And, this is it!  This is how we give back and forth to each other.  No expensive tastes.  No monthly fee, or weekend price.  No expectation of anything more than hope for true intimacy ~ for real-time human connection when we can honestly express what is deep inside of our hearts and Souls. 

Later on, another you picked me up.  Our friendship a messy ride, it has been my greatest teacher where learning how to give unconditionally is concerned.  And, it doesn't remain an easy task but I re-commit to the Universe and to all of my Soul's lessons.  I am here to evolve ~ there is nothing more.