Saturday, September 15, 2012

as i am, now

i'll never be perfect.
and, perhaps, this means there is not going to be some pristine state of optimum being within which
i can forever reside. 

case I:
My headache reading from "Compassionate Dragon" says:
"The sides of the head are associated with courage, especially courage to face your world. Migraine Headaches, usually located in the front quadrants, right or left, indicates a separation from your world. The involvement of the eyes in Migraines indicate not only an unwillingness to look without, but to look within. Most Migraine sufferers report, not only severe pain behind the eye, but also acute sensitivity to light. In Chinese Medicine, a number of Meridians run through this area. The Gallbladder Channel is associated with courage. The San Jiao channel is involved with processing of water (the elixir of Life), and the Small Intestine Channel is involved with deriving nourishment from the world. Both the San Jiao Channel and the Small Intestine Channel are connected to the Heart, whose emotion is Joy and where the Mind is located. Lack of Joy (with one's self) is strongly indicated by pain in this area. There is also Anger indicated by the Gallbladder channel's link with the Liver."

case II:
My left knee has been chronically begging for my attention since the spring.  I've traced a disconnection down to the joint between my tarsal bones in my left foot.  Recently, on a stroll around my Golden Hill neighborhood, I paid paid attention to my walk, drawing my 3rd eye of awareness down to this place in my body.  There, I felt into how my joint is not pressing into, and thus really grabbing hold of, the Earth below it.

case III:
My athlete's foot has also been in extreme flare up for years now.  Here is Louise Hay's, author of You Can Heal Your Life, interpretation of the psycho-somatic connection between my emotional and energetic body and my physical body, as found on the Sphere's of Light website:
"Athlete's Foot: Frustration at not being accepted. Inability to move forward with ease."

My Body doesn't Lie.
And, I'll never bee perfect.  There will always bee some ailment, some lack of courage, some weakness, a flaw that keeps me from reaching any IDEAL.  What I'll always bee, however, is HUMAN.  And, I can accept that walking this path is filled with RISK and LOSS.  I can also choose to see it all as DIVINELY MEANT TO BEE - a perpetual unfolding of ease and grace, no matter the outcome.